Video not playing - showing still shot only

May 02, 2018

I have several Storyline 360 files that include a slide or two with a video. Recently I've been getting feedback from students that they are getting "stuck" on the video slide. They can see a still shot of the video, but it never plays. The video settings are set to play automatically in the timeline. Everything on my end looks good. I can preview it just fine. I can view it and it plays in the LMS. But when I proxy as the student having the problem, sure enough the video will not play. If I let the timeline "sit" for a few minutes as if the video is playing, eventually the timeline ends and I can move on. I've tried running it in different browsers, updating flash (my Storyline is published with HTML5/Flash backup), and even running it in different operating systems. Any suggestions? 

3 Replies
Clarelyn Gonzales

Hi Nicole,

I'm sorry to hear about your video issue. Just to verify, where are you testing the published content? You may want to test within the intended environment to make sure everything works as expected as described in this article.

Also, I'd suggest reviewing some information in regards to why the videos may not be playing. 

You may use this article to check.

You may share additional information if doing what's described in the aforementioned article won't work for you.

Have a good one!

Nicole Kelsch

I've reviewed the article mentioned above and no hiccups there.  The thing that's weird is that if any of those things were the cause of the issue, it wouldn't play for ANY students. It's only happening to a select few. I can proxy as a demo student (end user) and it runs just fine. But when I proxy as one that's experienced the problem, sure enough I experience the same problem. I've tested the published content in Storyline review, Articulate Online, and inside the LMS.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Nicole!

Sorry to hear some of your learners are getting stuck! I'm happy to help. Can I get a few more details from you?

  • Did you publish this content with the latest update of Storyline 360? To check, click the Help tab, then click About Storyline. You should see 3.15.15581.0 in the bottom-right corner. 
  • Are the videos MP4 files or embedded from the web?
  • If the student switches web browsers, do they still have the same problem?

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