When does a Storyline course "send" results to Saba?

Aug 23, 2016


The storyline users at my company are getting heavy pressure from the LMS team and non-storyline using developers to abandon storyline because of issues with how it interacts with our Saba LMS. I don't want this to happen. 

Learning more about when "completed" and "Passed" and "Successful" results are passed from the course to Saba may help my cause. 

Right now it appears that if some users (including, but perhaps not limited to, Macintosh users) do not physically close out of the course by clicking the X on the window, the successful result is not passed to Saba. 

Automatically exiting the course with a trigger is not a solution because Saba prevents windows from closing automatically. 

Thank you. 

6 Replies
Brian Allen
James Allen

Right now it appears that if some users (including, but perhaps not limited to, Macintosh users) do not physically close out of the course by clicking the X on the window, the successful result is not passed to Saba.

We have found inconsistencies with ALL courseware (Storyline, Captivate, etc.) with how the course Exit button trigger works when it comes to different browsers, especially Firefox. Not as many problems with Safari but it's still not completely dependable.

Because of this we do not include an Exit button in our courses but we direct learners to close/exit the course using the browser's exit button (X) on the window. We have explicit directions along with an image we commonly use pointing the learner to the browser exit button.

This way we get consistent results regardless of authoring tool and/or browser.

J.D. Allen

This is great Matthew, thanks!

For my purposes, the "success" criteria is that the learner answers "Yes" to an acknowledgement statement (they accept the conditions of a policy).

They can only get to the acknowledgement screen if they pass a quiz (but I don't care about collecting the scores of the quiz - once the quiz is passed, they are sent to the acknowledgement screen).

If they answer "Yes" the are sent to a "thank you - you are done" screen. If they answer "no" they are sent to a "You must answer yes to get credit."

It seems to me that I could use set a trigger to run the following code when the timeline starts on the "Thank you - you are done" screen:

Does it look like that would work?

Brian Allen
James Allen

It seems to me that I could use set a trigger to run the following code when the timeline starts on the "Thank you - you are done" screen:

Does it look like that would work?

That would work, or you could execute the code when they click on the Yes button, either way...

Brian Allen

I was fortunate enough to play a global LMS administrator role for a 3 year stretch and had a chance to troubleshoot courses built with so many different authoring tools, browsers, browser versions, operating systems, etc.

After a while you start seeing patterns with some of the issues, and one of the biggies for us was the exit button not working reliably across different browsers. With our testing it didn't seem to matter which authoring tool. Captivate content in Firefox was the buggiest for us by far.

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