When revisiting a completed module it prompts to resume, but goes to the same screen every time resetting the module from that point.

Mar 29, 2019


I'm not sure if this is an issue with Articulate 360 or the settings on the LMS. So I'm checking both avenues.

I am using Articulate 360 and have produced a module which contains approximate 100 slides. I uploaded it to the LMS with no problems and it is using scorm 1.2. If you start the module you can complete it and it will mark as complete on the LMS. When I revisit the module it prompts to resume and when I click yes - to resume where I left off, however, the module always opens on the same slide in the middle of the module - resetting it from this point. So to complete the module you have to go through the sections again, otherwise it shows as in progress.

I read a number of previous posts and have done the following (which were mentioned) in an attempt to resolve it:

- removed additional variables not being used on the slides
- renamed slides - giving shorter names
- rebuilt the slide (which is revisited) and triggers
- published with scorm 2004 instead.

Unfortunately I'm not able to share the content on here, but I really don't know what else to do. So any suggestions would be appreciated.



16 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Bex,

Thank you for the description of what you are experiencing along with the troubleshooting that you've done.

Based on the description, it sounds like you're running into suspend data limits, but you mentioned publishing to SCORM 2004.

  • How did the content resume when published using SCORM 2004?
  • Do you experience a similar issue when testing in SCORM Cloud or just within your LMS?

Your LMS may be treating your course in review mode, which you can read about here.

Bex Hepworth-Sims


Our LMS provider was able to tell me that SCORM 1.2 had reached it's character limit (I think thats right) which is why it was bookmarking at a certain point.

So I now need to publish the module in SCORM 2004 - which as I mentioned keeps resetting the module.

This is what happens:

I publish the module in SCORM 2004 4th edition - with prompt to resume set. I recently updated Articulate 360 so I'm running the current version. 

I have five sections to the module and I can exit out after each section has been completed and I am prompted to resume at the right point every time - until I complete all of the sections. So the module is complete.

When I exit the module - when it has been completed and then revisit it, the whole module resets to the beginning and I am not prompted to resume.

Any help/ideas would be appreciated.







Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Bex,

I haven't run into that behavior before, but we'd be happy to take a look! Have you looked at testing it within Scorm Cloud which is a standard for LMS testing? It'd be interesting to see if the same thing occurs there or it's restricted to your LMS. 

Let me know and our Support Team is around to help with any testing too! 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Bex,

I understand, let's see if I can share some additional information that may be helpful for you.

It sounds like the resume is not working as you expect once you've met the completion requirement for the course. Most LMSs consider a course to be in review mode after the tracking requirement has been met. In review mode, resume data is no longer sent to the LMS, which prevents learners from accidentally changing their course status back to incomplete. See this article for more information and details to adjust if needed.

Jeremy C

Hi, I am experiencing this exact issue whereby the Resume function (set to: "Prompt to resume") does not work (ie after closing then re-launching the course, the user is not prompted to "resume or restart") with a course published with the following settings:

  1. LMS: "SCORM 2004, 4th edition"
  2. Tracking: "Track using quiz result"
  3. LMS Reporting: “Passed/Incomplete” and
  4. Resume - On restart: "Prompt to resume"

I can see from this and other articles that this "bug" has been a known issue for years now and appears to be a result of how SCORM 2004 interacts with the tracking slide.

This is causing us a MAJOR problem because it means, as a work around, we have to split the course up into two files - one in SCORM 2004 without a tracking slide (to benefit from the larger data limit in SCORM 2004) and the other in SCORM 1.2 with a tracking slide (to enable graded assessment). This, in turn, requires a lot more complexity in setting up in the LMS to ensure all screens are viewed and confirmed as such by the LMS (I haven't figured this stage out yet, but am confident it can be done).

Surprisingly, the problem is partially avoided if the course is deployed to an LMS via SCORM Cloud - the LMS records the grades, but SCORM Cloud does not. I assume the "bug" is prevented from having its effect until the point where the LMS reports back to SCORM Cloud. 

Please try to fix the issue!

If a fix has already been developed (and I have missed it in my research), someone please let me know. Thank you!

Ren Gomez

Hi Jeremy,

I appreciate all the details shared in what you're experiencing, though one item I have trouble understanding is where you mentioned that you deployed a course in an LMS via SCORM Cloud.

Have you tried testing the course by itself in SCORM Cloud to see what behavior occurs? You may also consider testing in multiple browsers to ensure browser cache isn't an issue here. 

If you need an extra hand, our support team can also help with in-depth testing to narrow down the issue!

Jeremy C

Hi Ren

Yes, I have tested in SCORM Cloud and the Resume function worked correctly.

When I said "I deployed a course ...", I was referring to this:

  1. uploaded the course to SCORM Cloud; then
  2. deployed the course to our LMS (Moodle); then
  3. launched the course from Moodle.

In this scenario, the Resume function worked.

I realise now I probably included some irrelevant details in my original message about the grades (in particular, that in this settings environment, Moodle recorded grades but SCORM Cloud did not). I realise now this is not directly relevant to the Resume function issue (... after hours of testing, I confused these issues, sorry for the confusion!).

I have now also undertaken another day of testing and the issue remains but is still unsolved. I have now also reached out to your support team, thanks.



Vanessa Barnes

Did some testing using SCORM Cloud to see why a build for one of our clients resumed up to a particular point, but after that failed to recall any further information about slides visited or actions on slides. From posts here and testing in SCORM Cloud, found out the 'suspend data' (information reported to the LMS on things like slides visited and saved states) has a limit depending on your publish settings.

Publishing to SCORM 2004 (4th edition) rectified the issue for us without having to simplify interactions or set slides to 'initial state'.

The 'maximum suspend data size' is just 4,096 if you're publishing to SCORM 1.2 (released in 2001).

Publishing to SCORM 2004 4th edition (released in 2009 - wish they had stuck with the original plan to call it SCORM 1.3 to save confusion) increases the maximum suspend data size to 64,000.

Note: When you're publishing and you first select SCORM 2004 from the drop-down, at the time of writing it defaults to the original edition (as you'd expect this was released in 2004) which has a 'maximum suspend data size' of just 4000. You'll want to go in a bit deeper and select the 'Tracking and reporting' button to specify the 4th edition.

It would be great if the latest version became the default and you had to go in deeper to choose a prior version of SCORM 2004.

Joseph Francis
Vanessa Barnes

It would be great if the latest version became the default and you had to go in deeper to choose a prior version of SCORM 2004.

The problem with that suggestion is twofold: LMS vendors have always been galacial in their response to changes and updates to the communications protocols between courses and LMS'. And many organizations are content with continuing to use much older, often on-premises, learning management systems which aren't subject to automatic updates like cloud-based LMS' are. What is their incentive to update? When you're talking about a 6- or 7-figure capital expense, tethered to a project with a lifecycle of 12-18 months, the obvious first question is "what's wrong with what we have? It works just fine."

Two of the organizations I worked for in the last 10 years were using LMS which had long outlived their lifespans. In the first case, it was because there was another, much larger organization with a significant presence in the industry which was using the legacy LMS; the vendor was all too happy to keep it alive for them and we were along for the ride. In the case of the other organization, a considerable global footprint meant an upgrade would easily crest 7 figures and it would affect hundreds of thousands of users.

How long has AICC been "dead?" Yet, you can publish your eLearning course using AICC today, and the vast majority of LMS (on-premises and cloud-based) will happily communicate with it. Several large names in industries including healthcare, manufacturing, and defense, still use AICC for the content they resell to tens of thousands of customers, and you would be hard pressed to convince any of them to migrate away from that.

A better suggestion might be for Storyline to REMEMBER the last-selected Edition of SCORM 2004 (if that happens to be what you are using), and default to it when you create a new course.

Vanessa Barnes
Joseph Francis

A better suggestion might be for Storyline to REMEMBER the last-selected Edition of SCORM 2004 (if that happens to be what you are using), and default to it when you create a new course.

That would be a great function if you only use the one LMS. I really like the way Storyline currently saves your last publish settings for each individual file (as long as you save after you publish) - helpful if you need to vary the publish settings to suit different client's LMSs.

If possible, I'd like to see the available editions for SCORM 2004 included in the drop-down list where you first choose to publish to an LMS, so you've got:

SCORM 2004 2nd ed.
SCORM 2004 3rd ed.
SCORM 2204 4th ed. 