Why is there a black line to the right of frame??

Oct 05, 2022

Hi, this is an ongoing issue... when I add video and correctly align it I still see a black line on the screen as though the video is not correctly aligned. IR Plus Fusion Training General Principles | Review 360 (articulate.com)

I have published to Review and the line is clearly visible as you can see from the link above.

This is getting to be an issue and I would appreciate some help with this. Regards, Dan 

8 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Dan, 

Thanks for reaching out! 

I was able to observe a thin black line to the right side of the slide as well.

From the appearance, it looks like an object outline that can be removed by clicking on the object and selecting the 'No outline' option here:

If this doesn't work, please upload a copy of your project file here or in private through a support case so we can check what's causing the line to appear. 

Dan Newton

Hello, I am still not able to upload to the Heroes site. The submit button is faded out.
I have uploaded a link were you can download the SL360 file.


Mr. Dan Newton
Lead Instructional Designer
GF PS Academy

Reception: +44 24 7653 5535 (Coventry, UK)
Mobile: +44 7803 242 923

GF Piping Systems
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen

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