Add an All of the Above option for a Pick Many quiz slide?

Jun 19, 2019

I run into this issue often. A client will provide a knowledge check question designed for a Pick Many quiz slide (i.e. select all that apply) but then will add 'All of the above' as an option. I have to explain to them that with a Pick Many slide it would be possible for them to select all the options EXCEPT 'All of the above', which would be technically correct, but still get the question wrong.

Is there any way to have all of the check boxes get populated if the user selects a single checkbox (which of course would be the 'All of the above' option)?

5 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Mark

would something like this work for you - I created a Pick One instead of a Pick Many. The three buttons on top of the stage would be moved offstage but just for testing to show how it works.

If you  have already created your slide as a Pick Many you can change it to a Pick One by clicking Insert > Remove Freeform, then Insert Convert to Freeform.  I always duplicate the slide so I have a backup copy in case I want to go back to it or if I have already modified the feedback layers with content.


You could have a trigger to change the state of the other selections to selected when the STATE of the ALL Of The Above box changes IF it's state is selected. (That's a mouth full).
Conversely, you could also have a trigger to change the state of the other selections to NORMAL when the state of the ALL Of The Above box changes IF it's state is now normal.
Essentially, all of the selections act independently accept for the all of the above box which would work as a sort of "master switch".

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