Any interest in sharing PPT animations?

Feb 24, 2011

I wondered if there might be any interest on this forum for sharing ideas about using PPT animations to create a particular effect -- perhaps posing a question to ask what others have done or maybe even sharing some animations you have created.  On another Articulate forum, for example, someone had asked about creating a visual in which a hand reaches in with a rubber stamp and stamps a document.  I shared the attached file.  I'm happy to share others, and I'd be very interested to see what others are doing for inspiration. 

24 Replies
Patricio Bustamante M

Hi guys :

Well, I'm practicing more about the Tom's post "5 E-Learning Design Ideas I Got While Traveling" and I thought may be I can make some kind a menu with some nice animation and share it in this post.
Well this is the result :

Inspired in :

And here is the ppt :

Jakob Jochmann

I'm very much looking forward to your insights. Animation in presentation software is a bit of a hobby of mine.

Are you by any chance interested in Keynote tutorials as well? Most of the concepts translate into Powerpoint, but while ppt has now leapfrogged Keynote in terms of image manipulation, Keynote still has a slight edge when it comes to animation builds. So some effects might be out of ppts reach, still.

All animation in the videos here was done in Keynote:

Stephanie Harnett

Hi Jakob. Keynote is cool and I'll take a look at those Keynote videos. I would think that PowerPoint 2010 surpasses Keynote on the animation front as well. Here on the Articulate forums the animation work that you see myself and others do is done within the boundaries of Articulate. There are certain features of PowerPoint that is not supported when exporting out as Flash (onclick triggers, transitions, various new animation effects in 2010, continuous play, smooth start/finish etc.). These unsupported techniques add quite a bit of sophistication to the end result (see Julie Turberg's demos). That said, you can incorporate a lot of those PowerPoint 2010 features into Articulate output by working around the limitations - crafting your sequences in PPT and exporting out as a movie, converting that to MP4 and bringing it back in. Publishes flawlessly in Articulate and works particularly well for incorporating the new slide transition effects.

Randy Borum

@Stephanie - Wow!  A very impressive and elegant effect.  I can't imagine how much time must have gone into creating that.  This is exactly the reason I started this thread. I knew there were super creative PPT animation ideas out there, but I didn't know where to find them.  Thank you so much for pointing me to your screenr presentation and especially for being willing to share your scrollbox file.  BTW - I took a quick look at your site and I like it a lot.  A very engaging way to explain what you do. 

Randy Borum

@Jakob - Perfect - A person for whom developing animations for presentation software is a hobby!  I'll be very interested to learn more about what you are discovering.  I watched your Vimeo clip on creating a "Minority Report" effect.  Thanks for sharing that.  Very clever and a nice blend of live action video and graphic animation.  Please do let us know if you post more.  As a Mac user for 25+ years now, I do like Keynote, but as Stephanie notes, it is not as easily applicable to Articulate, which is the course authoring software I currently use for my classes.  But as you say, many of the animation examples are easily translated.  

@Stephanie - I read your casual explanation of work-arounds and conversion-export-re-import sequences with a sense of awe.  You clearly are at a level where such things are quite routine.  In theory, I know how to do the procedure, but it would probably take me an embarrassingly long time and cause me to rip out most of my hair.  Maybe one day....  

Randy Borum

Here's another one.   This is kind of goofy, but maybe it will prompt some suggestions for how I can improve it or other ways to approach.   Basically, I was experimenting with ways to simulate gestures and movements of a speaking character who is not fully animated... so just using PPT.  Any recommendations are welcome. 

Lani Flores

@Ron Stephens

I was going to create a screencast tutorial for some of the animated elements shown in this video but I'm busy at the moment.

Thus, I'm posting the actual powerpoint source as is.

Few Notes:

1.  All images were created using powerpoint objects and clip art. 

2.  The image of the woman came from the free demo pack at

3.  The presentation will not render properly when published using Articulate because most of the images weren't converted to PNG.  (If you want the images to display as close as possible to the powerpoint slides, convert the images to PNG.)

That's about it.  If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.

Lani Flores

Here's the Powerpoint source file (of the above video) downgraded to 2003-2007 format.   I created the video in Powerpoint 2010. Thus, some functionality are probably lost in the lower Powerpoint version.

@Ron Stephens - Hope this file format works for you. The 2007 version is 15 MB.  Compressing the file didn't really help that much.  It might take a bit of time to download.

Jakob Jochmann


I take your point about Articulate. I hope that while advanced builds don't translate between different brands of presentation software, my approach of explaining animation and visualization concepts rather than mere effects can still be useful.

As an aside: I don't actually consider all of the examples of the Terberg demos something I would aim to emulate. I find that a great deal of them are focusing on decoration rather than meaningful visualization. Transitions especially are not something I find useful. While I dig some pizzazz occasionally, I try to make sure not to add noise to my delivery.

Your example of an interactive scrolling textbox is a great example of constraint oriented design - you created a meaningful structure rather than just prettify a standard approach. I'm curious what you think of my videos. I'd wager that especially thanks to the "magic move" build in Keynote many of the more advanced sequences are a lot harder to pull off in ppt still. At least that was my impression when I tried last time.


The Minority Report interface video was actually not what I had in mind. That is an unpolished sketch and was meant as a teaser for some friends who were asking what I was working on. Something along the lines of my ongoing tutorial series like this video might be more helpful: The only animation you need to pull the example effect off, is move.

I'll get to the more advanced builds later in the series, but I wanted to introduce some basic concepts first. The concepts that underly each video (and the videos themselves) are discussed on my blog if you want to follow the somewhat media theory oriented reasoning.

Randy Borum

@Jakob - Sorry - That was what came up.  I watched a couple of your other tutorials.  I like how you chunk down the technique, then accelerate the video speed, and cover the basics in about 30 seconds.  Is there a comparable animation in PPT to the "Move" / Resize combo you uses in your Ken Burns effect tutorial? 

Chantelle N

@ all who started and contributed to this post, this is such valuable information, and your willingness to share is priceless. I've watched the videos and downloaded the files to hopefully further my understanding of how the effects were created (as a novice, I get confused at some parts of even the exceptional tutorial videos, hehe).

Randy Borum

@Stephanie - Thanks for sharing that resource .  I had not seen it before.  It looks to me like most of the examples are in a pps format - so you can see what they've done but not necessarily how they put it together. And even some of the pps files are password locked.  Do you happen to know if PPT Heaven is a pay site or if you have to register to get the passwords?  Or maybe I'm just not doing something correctly ...  In any case, looks like a major collection of PPT animation - so thanks agin for the pointer


Lani Flores said:

This is a short 2 minute video I created to test drive Powerpoint 2010 animation capabilities.  It's 100% authored in Powerpoint.   If you're interested in any of the effects created in this video, I'll be happy to send the files (or show how it was done).

I love your work,  Please Lany! send me how!  

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