Best tool to make digital interactive ebooks

Jul 10, 2020


I am using storyline to create courses based on some textbooks. The goal is to give students the chance to study the whole course books online (studying the lessons and doing the exercises).

I have started designing the courses using storyline, but it seems that it's going to be a very big project and it also takes a lot of time.

Actullay I need to change some textbooks with all their exercises to interactive digital books.

I was wondering if there are any other tools similar to storyline, to help me create the courses faster and that the output file is not big and can be easily embedded in a website.

8 Replies
Piyusha Tandon

Have you explored Rise as an option?

I am also looking for an interactive pdf that looks/behaves like an ebook, without the need to program in Indesign. Rise will not work for me since my needs are very simplistic. In an ideal world a nice template in MS Word would suffice except that I will need 15 or so tabs. Thank you for starting the thread!

Allison LaMotte

Hi Sara,

I'm going to echo what Piyusha said and suggest that you check out Rise 360. It won't have a flipbook look, but it's super quick and easy to use and will ensure your courses work on any device. Here's an article with some examples to give you an idea of what that could look like: 7 Documents You Can Replace with Rise 360 Courses.

You can try it out for 60 days for free to see if it'll do the trick.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Tara Doridy

Сonsidering your ambitious project, have you explored the innovative solutions offered by top software development companies in New York? They might provide tools or insights to streamline your course creation process. Their expertise could be a game-changer in making your interactive digital books more efficient and user-friendly. Check out their latest developments at to stay on the cutting edge of software advancements.

Josh Mcqueen

To my knowledge, there are several tools, such as iBooks Author, Kotobee Author, and Ridero, that can facilitate the creation of interactive ebooks faster than using Storyline, as they are specifically designed for this purpose - potentially reducing the time it takes compared to how long it takes to create the app from scratch. These tools offer features like multimedia integration and easy publishing, and the exact timeline will depend on the size and complexity of the materials.