Can you select which results slide to report pass/fail to the LMS?

Jun 22, 2018


I have a course that has 6 modules with 3 questions at the end of each module.  There is a results slide that aggregates the scores from the six modules and if the learner hist 80% or greater it exits the course as successfully passed.

If they fail that attempt they are directed to a separate quiz slide that draw 18 questions from the same question pools as the first attempt.

The issue I have is getting the course to correctly tell the LMS what results slide to use, as essentially I have to have two different results slides to account for the different pass/fail branching.

Any help, ideas will be gratefully received, as I'm really struggling to get my head around how to do this.

1 Reply
Diana Myers

Hi Mark, If understand your situation correctly, I have a solution that might help.  We had a similar situation with 2 quizzes in the same course, each with their own results slide.  What I did was add an "overall" results slide that evaluated the scores on the tests and then submitted that "overall" result to the LMS.  I've attached my SL2 file and there are developer notes and screen shots on the "overall" results slide that explain what to do.  Please let me know if you have any questions or if you were looking for something else.

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