Changing Appearance of a Timeline as Learners Navigate the Course.

Jun 20, 2017

Hello E-Learning Heroes Community!

I would like to create a course with a timeline at the bottom of each slide (over 60 divided in 5 modules).  This timeline would would serve as a navigation bar, with five dots - one for each module. This would enable the participant to navigate the entire course by landing on the first slide of each module - once the user has visited each slide of the course. 

I would like the navigation buttons to change appearance once the slide has been visited so that the user keeps track of their progression when they revisit previous slides. Any help on how I can achieve this?

Thank you!

6 Replies
Johana Toussaint

Thanks a lot Karen! :D !  This is an amazing start! I have an issue whatever if I try to set the navigation restrictions to "restricted", the user can still jump ahead to the subsequent modules without having been through all the slides preceding those modules. Is this because the "restricted" princple is only applied from slide to slide and does not apply from scene to scene? Is there any way to circumvent this? Thanks again for your judicous help :)

Wendy Henry

If you add a condition to the jump to trigger you can restrict the user from jumping ahead.

For example on the second circle the jump to next slide would only be on condition the variable Scene1Complete is true (see attached screenshot). This trigger needs to be set on the master slide. Does that do the job you need it to?

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