Control motion path. Please help

Oct 31, 2017

Hi all

I'm trying to create a simplified version of this controled motion path. If you launch the below, and chose the third option 'history'

In the more basic version I want to create, I want the learner to hover over a button and the motion path starts (ideally click and hold but can't figure that out) fine getting the motion path to start when hover. This is where I've hit a blocker. What I can't work out is how to get the motion path to stop when the learner no longer hovers (or no longer hold the click ideally) over the button so they have time to read the content that come in as the timelines progresses.

Also not tried to work out how to create the text and images appear when the motion path gets to a certain point.

Advise would be really appreciated. I am a newbie to storyline so simpler the better or even an example so I can mirror the triggers/ variables ect.

Also please feel free to say if this is going to be too complicated for me at this point being a beginner.


Thanks all


5 Replies
Phil Lord

Thanks both :)

Allison, was just playing around initially to try and figure out if I could create the effect before spending time creating the content and graphics, only to not be able to get the end results.

Thanks for the example Sean. Ill have a play around with this, looks simple enough when you see it end state. Seems so simple when you see the trigger, just couldn't figure out which was the best to control the way I wanted.



I used a different trigger mechanism (a dial) but the motion path concepts shown in my post here are the same.

What you need:

  1. A short motion path with a relative start point
  2. A control variable to allow/disable the animation

What you do:

  1. Trigger the animation when the button state changes & update the control variable to True.
  2. Set the animation (motion path) to trigger (run again) each time it completes IF the control variable is TRUE.
  3. Update the control variable to False when your control looses focus (or the state changes). This should stop the animation from running further.

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