Drag and Drop issue

Dec 02, 2016


I have created a drag and drop slide using variables to change the labels on the box depending on what has been drop into the area.

When an item is already in the drop zone, I can pick up and drop it again, which continues to add to the variable.  Is there a way to prevent this?  I would also like the use to be able to drag it back to the origin if they choose to.

The slide can be view here: http://s3.amazonaws.com/DangerousGoods/Portfolio/Drag%20and%20Drop%20-%20Storyline%20output/story.html



8 Replies
Trina Rimmer

Hi Steve. One idea you might want to try is to adjust the item count variables to subtract one when a drag item is dropped on the white rounded rectangle behind each of your drag objects. Here's a quick Peek video to show you how that might work. I'm not sure if that meets your needs, but it would give you an accurate item count AND allow you to keep your items draggable. 

steve jackson

thanks all, I meant to reply to my own thread when I found a solution.  I created an additional state, and had it changed to that state when dropped in the box.  For some reason simply using the prebuilt "Drop correct" state didn't work so I had to use a custom state.  The trigger required the state to be in normal to increase the variable.

I also had an additional trigger to prevent the variable going into negative numbers.  Works well!


steve jackson

Hi Trina, thanks for taking the time to create that video.  What I was actually trying to avoid, was that if your star was in the drop zone, if you click on it, you'll likely find it will add another 1 to your variable, so I will have 1 star in the zone, but you could get the variable up as high as you like.  In my example, that would cause confusion for the learning.  As I mentioned in my reply below, I used change of state to stop it from behaving that way!

Thanks again!

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