FREEBIE!! Gamified New Hire Orientation Template

Feb 16, 2016

Hello heroes, 

I recently worked on one of Tom Kuhlmann's original templates and gamified it in SL2.  You can watch the demo here .

Here's the before image in which Tom did a beautiful job setting up a landing page with circular buttons from the master slide.

Here's the after pic with the awesome Atsumi and point values still controlled from the master.

After the user selects the point category, they jump to the scene with four questions of various interactions i.e. drag n' drop, pick one, hotspots, etc.

The 20 second timer is control with the exit animation using a shape overlay.  When the timer runs out a "Timed Out" layer kicks in and keeps you from getting points on the question.

So there it is friends, all you have to do is get the template and modify the questions to your needs.  BTW, all the images are CCO from Pixabay.

19 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Alexander -- Thanks so much for sharing; nicely done! You may want to edit the title of your post to include "FREEBIE" or "DEMO" at the beginning to quickly denote that this is a contribution rather than a question! 

And to share your work with even more of the community, you are welcome to post over here, as well. :)

Alexander Salas

Hi Will, I tried replying to your direct email but it came back as a bad address. 

The navigation triggers for this template are in the slide master. Click VIEW>SlideMaster

If you are importing it to an existing course, all your triggers get reset.  I hope this helps.  For anything else @stylelearn on Twitter or email me back. 

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