Linking words within the course to a glossary

Dec 17, 2021


Does Articulate 260 courses have the ability to link a words that are throughout the course to a glossary?  The glossary is its own section within the course so it would be hyperlinking a word from another section/lesson to that term within the glossary.


4 Replies
Richard Watson

Hello Chrystal!

I think this is a common feature request for Storyline. Here are five ways that I incorporate glossaries for my clients that you might find useful. In no particular order and with pros/cons. Please feel free to provide additional examples and let's grow this list of options for glossaries via this single thread.

1. Add a text-based glossary to a lightbox slide and combine it with a scroll panel if there are several pages of terms.

Pros: Easy to set up!
Con: User must scroll through to find terms

2. Create a link to a layer on the slide where the term appears

Pros: Easy to set up!
Con: Can be time-consuming if there are lots of terms on every slide or throughout the course

3. Use a Web Object in a lightbox slide and link to an online glossary on the Internet or a page on the customer's website

Pro: Easy to set up; If you find the right dictionary, it will have all the terms you need and often provides search capability
Con: The dictionary may not include the terms for your specific situation; if it becomes unavailable, it will require you to update and republish the course

4. Create your own webpage with terms and definitions; link to it uses a hyperlink and anchor points

Pro: Easy to set up but requires some HTML knowledge; it provides some advantages over Web Objects where you point to another online dictionary; you will have full control over the contents assuming it is on your website. A simple update of the website page won't require you to republish

Con: Requires you to provide content outside of your course; could increase traffic to your website; depending upon the number of terms, creating anchor points can be time-consuming initially.

5. Use the built-in glossary included with the player 

Pro: Easy to set up; it's already included in your application!

Hope that helps. I'm sure there are other ways to accomplish this but those are my "go-to" approaches when I need to include a glossary. 

I was just playing around with these ideas last night and built a sample mockup. When I was checking the forums this morning, I noticed you were exploring the same topic. Perfect timing? : )
