Menu navigation (sidebar) vs. Slide Only - your thoughts?

Jan 05, 2011

OK, for pretty much everything I've built so far, I've been using the regular view mode in Presenter. (Is it called standard view I think?) But some of the course examples I've seen from other people look pretty neat with Slide Only View. I'm just wondering if you all have any best practices to share about when you might use one view mode over the other. And do you think it's better to have the whole course in one view mode, for consistency?

4 Replies
Bob Lander

I'm with Arthur - I like slide view a lot too. Often I tend to use slide view and make my own navigation buttons instead of relying on the sidebar menu or the player controls. If you put the buttons on a master slide it's pretty easy to create a custom look.

However! I do sometimes use the other view modes too... one example I can think of is a long course I built recently... it had five sections, and at the beginning of each section I switched the view mode to Standard, so that the learner could kind of see where they were in the course, and they could jump to a different section by clicking on the menu sidebar if they wanted to. For the other content slides, I used Slide ONly. I liked how the switch to Standard View was kind of a visual cue that they were now in a different section.

Carla Stewart

I always get a hoot and a holler from Tom's post on the topic:

Most of our courses are open. We normally lock navigation when we create branching courses. We leave the menu visible on the left, but we lock the course and ask the learners to use the on-slide navigation buttons. We keep the menu visible so learners know where they are in the modules, but control how they navigate at the slide level.

brian fantanna

Arthur Bigotti said:

I lik eto open up the view for two main reasons:

  • more real estate for Flash or inserted media
  • get them to focus on the screen and not on the navigation button
I agree 100% with this, i find its important to make the audience focus on the content rather than the fancy navigation or flash slider!

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