Forum Discussion

RyanBirkbeck's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Closed Captions only showing sometimes for same video

I have several videos that are part of a Rise 360 course. Sometimes the closed captions and the CC icon show on the video and sometimes they don't. And this can be for the same video! 

Here is how the videos were created:

I imported a video into Storyline 360 and created closed captions using the editor. The Player has the Captions control checked. (Attached a screen capture.) I have also created a Trigger that states to set the Player.DisplayCaptions variable to True when the Timeline starts so that the captions always play. (Attached a screen capture.) I then Publish the Storyline slide and then insert it into a Rise 360 course as a Storyline block. 

When previewing the videos in Storyline, the captions ALWAYS show. But in Rise 360, they may not show one time and then show the next time for the same video. Why can I not get the captions to consistently show????

  • Hi Sue, sorry for the trouble! Mind if we have a closer look at your Rise 360 course? We'd love to test those Storyline block videos from our side.

    If you don't mind sharing it, please send us the Rise 360 Share link by clicking here. We'll give it a test and let you know what we find!

  • GerryCoyle's avatar
    Community Member

    HI, I've had what sounds like exactly the same problem. I wonder if a solution was found to this?



  • Hi Gerry, sorry you've hit this problem.

    We're seeing an issue where closed captions in Storyline Blocks sporadically won't load correctly in Rise 360. 

    We're looking closely at this behavior, and I'll let you know if I get an update on it!

  • ValerieSaboe's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Alyssa and all,  Has this issue with the inconsistent closed captioning been resolved yet?  This sounds like what we are experiencing.  We created the videos in Storyline and then imported them into our Rise 360 course.  Sometimes the CC shows on a video and sometimes it doesn't.  And the behavior could be different for different users viewing the same video.  Sounds like this happens even if the CC's are set to automatically show for each video?  Please let us know!!

  • Hi Valerie!

    We're still investigating this issue, and it could be related to what you're seeing in your course. Our Support Engineers are reviewing your zip file, and they'll reach out to you with their findings soon.

  • Good news! We fixed the issue in Rise 360 where closed captions would sporadically disappear.
    If the problem happens again, please share a Peek 360 screencast with us by clicking here, and we'll be happy to help!
  • I still have this issue and my vtt file is uploaded to a video and if I choose english under cc option, the cc won't appear. 

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Gayathri!

      Sorry to hear you've run into this setback!

      I noticed that you've opened a support case and are working with my colleague, Chester. We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.