Forum Discussion
Course corrupted - Is there a debug option to see if 1 slide corrupted on Storyline360?
Hi all
I need to re-publish a course created in September 2021 on Storyline360.
It published fine back then and published fine again around 1 month ago.
I am trying to publish it now and each time it fails, showing the pop up - Articulate Storyline Error Report We're sorry, something went wrong with Articulate Storyline and it might close.
The same thing happens when trying to preview on Storyline.
This was saved on a network drive, but I have saved it locally and still getting the same issue.
Is there a debug option on Storyline or any advice before I start trying to remove 1 slide at a time to try and find the issue?
This is a large course, with 117 slides across 28 scenes, so will take a long time to delete 1 slide at a time and try to publish.
Any help and suggestions will be appreciated!
Many thanks
- SteveGannonCommunity Member
Import the first half of the course into a new file and publish that. If it publishes without error, you know the problematic slide is in the second half. Import one half of the second half into a new file and publish. Just keep repeating the process until you narrow down the section containing the problematic slide. It's much quicker to do this than publishing one slide at a time.
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
May be easier to publish one scene at a time
- ChrisWantCommunity Member
Thanks both
I have found that the corruption is on the read section of the course so can at least provide the interactive section for now.
I can see this being a late night! lol.Quite surprised there isn't a feature to show which slide is causing the error though - would save a lot of time and pain.
- SteveGannonCommunity Member
I agree. It would be very helpful if the error message included something to the effect: "There is an error on Slide 3.11. Please reconstruct this slide and try publishing again."
- ChrisWantCommunity Member
Exactly that Steve
Wish it was slide 3.11...
The first one I found was 13.4!
Hi Chris,
Sorry to hear that you encountered corrupted data in your project file.
File corruption is unpredictable, and there's no straightforward way to determine what causes it. Identifying the exact location of the corrupted data is the challenge since there's no way to know which specific element in the course has become corrupted. In some cases, a slide that causes a project to fail during publishing can be fixed by deleting the corrupted object found in the slide, but you'll need to test the slides in the course carefully in order to identify which objects to remove to allow the course to publish.
If you encounter any issues with your project file again, please feel free to reach out to our support team and we'll be glad to fix your project file for you.
Consider these preventative measures to protect your project files for data corruption:
1) Save and publish projects on your local hard drive. Working on a network drive or external USB drive can cause erratic behavior due to latency.
2) Save incrementally. If your app has an AutoRecovery feature, take advantage of it. If not, save a new version of your project every hour or so with a new file name each time. If a file becomes corrupt, you'll still have a working version available.
3) Install Dropbox and copy important projects from your local drive to your Dropbox folder as a backup. Snapshots of changes in your local Dropbox folder are kept for 30 days. If a file is damaged or deleted, you can restore a previous snapshot:
4) Don't leave the app open and unattended for long periods of time. Some users have reported file corruption after leaving their apps open overnight. It's possible that a malware scan or disk backup could run because the machine is idle, making your app vulnerable to crashing.