Forum Discussion

ChrissyChamberl's avatar
Community Member
12 years ago

Delete or hide Refresh icon ONLY, but keep Seekbar

With the way my course is setup and with everything I've read here in the forums, the refresh button that comes with the seekbar simply won't work.  Most of my slides are set to "resume saved state" and have multiple buttons and triggers based off of the learner doing something.  I also need the seekbar visible so learners can rewind narration as needed.

All I want to do is hide the refresh button so that it's not confusing to learners - it's just a dead button with absolutely no purpose.  Anyone have any ideas on how I can do this?  

  • For anyone using the modern player, you can hide the rewind/replay/reset button using javascript for any slides that you need to have the "Resume saved state" property enabled.

    Set a trigger that Executes the following javascript when the timeline starts on any slide you want to hide the button.

    document.querySelector('#reset').style.display = 'none';

    Doing it this way currently doesn't require you to manually re-show the button on subsequent slides.

    Ideally, we wouldn't have to do it this way because it's a flimsy workaround, so add me down as another vote for making this work as end users of the software and end users of the published files expect a rewind/replay/reset button to work.

    • EmilyFergus's avatar
      Community Member

      I can't believe you only posted this an hour ago and it's completely saving me on a problem I just ran into today. Thank you!

    • AndreaGrasso's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Stephen, if I want to put this code in the CSS, in wich point I have to? Thanks