Forum Discussion

AliceArmstrong-'s avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Missing Custom button layers after hidden/disabled state

Hi, I have been facing this problem for a while now and found no solution. When I create a custom button using a circle shape, i layer an arrow on top. I am able to use this method with ease on all states, except after it has been hidden or disabled.

What I am finding is when I re-enable the button, the layered arrow (on top of the circle shape) does not re-appear. I have tried all I can think of to find a solution, but I am stumped. 


Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks community. :)

  • I fixed the problem in the attached file.

    • All I did was delete the "Hidden" state that you had added to the Next button. "Hidden" is a built-in state that just tells the program it shouldn't show anything. It's not a state you should see in the States panel.
    • I kept the Initial State as Hidden.

    I don't know why having an actual "Hidden" state made the button appear without the arrow when it was changed back to Normal. Let's just say it confused the program. 😄

    Best wishes!

  • It's not clear what you mean by a "layered arrow (on top of the circle shape)." 

    Is the arrow a separate shape? 

    • If so, then you need separate triggers to change its state whenever you change the state of the circle. 

    Or does the arrow exists within every state of the circle (that is, you added the arrow while editing the states of the circle)?

    FYI:  Whenever you have a Storyline issue, it's best to create a duplicate file, delete the slides not involved in the issue, replace proprietary text (as needed), and then upload the file. That makes it much easier to troubleshoot.

  • Hi Judy, thank you for your response. 

    Apologies for not being clear, you got it though, the issue is the latter. 

    I have created a button using shape tool and added the arrows on to each state individually. 

    I will follow your instruction and find a solution with Contact Support. 


    For what it's worth, if this is an issue others have or have found a solution to, I have attached the page for reference. 

  • Judy, you did it!

    That's so awesome, thank you for your help on this pickle. 

    I never realised hidden state wasn't actually a state that I had to type in each time. Silly me.

    I received the following response from the support team, which may help to answer any further uncertainties. 

    'This happens because, by design, object states will always be based on the original object. If you add objects to the other states while editing them, the original object may overlap. So, it looks like the arrow you added was missing because the original shape was behind it.'

    Much appreciated again. 


  • Great work, as always, Judy! 👏 

    Glad to hear that she was able to assist you with this issue, Alice! Thanks for sharing what John Carlo shared with you in your support case, as well. I'm sure it will be helpful to others that come across this thread in the community. 

    Hope that you both have a great weekend! Happy developing! ☀️

  • FWIW, If you will create the shape, then add the additional shape to the Normal state, it will be repeated on each state, without the need of adding it to each individual state. Just create the additional states by duplicating Normal as the first step.