Forum Discussion
Score increasing instead of decreasing/actualising?
Hi Tatyana,
Thank you for your fast answer ! I realise that some informations may be missing:
I tested the quiz within Storyline, without touching any parameter. I just created my questions, then added a result slide, and in the LMS tracking, I chose the Passed / Failed status.
So basically, I do not "choose" to add or substract points to the score, it is done automatically by Storyline. I just realised how it worked by testing the SCORM on SCORM Cloud, and I saw these lines
I tried to check the variables in the Storyline project but they are all on "Set automatically" so it seems I can't "change them".
I also tried to change the variable by using Javascript, but I'm not sure about the way to write it.
But it doesn't seem to be sent to the LMS like this. So I doubt if it can be changed.
So, creating a custom variable is okay for me, adapting it too, but I'm not sure how it can be "understood" as being the score of the course, be sent to the LMS and understood by it.
Interesting, thank you. If you are comfortable with this and there is not sensitive information in your course, you can share the file with me so that I test it on my side.
But overall, if you didn't change any settings in the quiz created, it's likely the problem is in the way this specific LMS reads the SCORM file and then it's better to get in touch with their technical support.