Forum Discussion

DawnSikorski-58's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Storyline - inner shadow issue

Hello!  I noticed recently that inner shadows are very faint or missing when they're rendered in preview and published to Review 360. We've tried to decrease transparency and increase distance in the shadow settings, but the result is the same. I'm on Storyline 360 v3.91.33139.0, is this an issue with the new release version or perhaps there's a setting or way to correct? Thank you for your help!

Inner shadow when shown on the stageInner shadow is very faint when previewing


  • Hello DawnSikorski-58! Thank you for sharing a screenshot. We haven't been able to recreate this on our end. Is it possible for you to share your .story file so we can test the exact file you're working on? If so, you can share it privately in a support case.

  • Hi Lauren! I was able to fix by rolling back to the June 18th version of Storyline 360. I'll send the project file using a support case. Thank you!

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Thank you for sharing your Storyline project file in a support case, Dawn! I see that my colleague Chester helped link this issue with an existing bug we are currently monitoring.

      We'll let you know if there are any changes that might help.

  • Holly_Maso's avatar
    Community Member

    Please post to the community when this is fixed.  My course is experiencing the same issue.

  • sportsphoto's avatar
    Community Member

    Mine also will not do inner shadow.  This has been going for over three months.  What is the status on getting this fixed?  This needs to get fixed ASAP!!!