Forum Discussion

AnnaOjalahti-0b's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Text re-sizing issue with template

Hi, new Articulate Storyline user here. I've encountered a weird text re-sizing issue, that I don't seem to crack on my own. I think it might have something to do with a template that I use, which I re-sized.

So, I received a professionally made Storyline template complete with our company's branding etc. However, I needed to change the resolution of the template from 1280x720 to 1980x1080. Everything seemed to go well, and I edited e.g., the images placeholders etc. to their correct places in the new template.

But the issue is: on the template a text box is set to font size 18.5, and when the template is open, it seems to be a reasonable size, see images "Template1" and "Template2" attached. But when I create a new Articulate project and add the same slide template via My templates to the project, the text size is blown out of proportion, see image "Project" attached. 

I tried to edit this by trying to change the font size to 12. On the template, the text size is really small, see image "Testing template". And now when I create a new project and add the slide from the template, the font size is even smaller, suddenly reduced to size 6, see image "Testing project"?

Also, I noticed one thing that might be related to this. If I have the template file open and on the slide view the slide is the correct size in the middle of the screen, see image "Slide size1". But when I close the template and open a another project, suddenly the slide size is also reduced, see image "Slide size2". So, the re-sizing issue is apparent here as well.

I feel this is somehow the result of me changing the template size, but I have no clue as to how to correct this. Other elements work fine, the only problem I have is with the text boxes. Can you help me?

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Anna

    I'm going to start with the last issue first! :)

    The slide size changes you are seeing I think is just because Storyline remembers your slide ZOOM size.

    I'm.guessing you are using a smaller monitor (maybe a laptop?) So your 1920x1089 template means Storyline is reducing the slide zoom way down so it can fit.

    Then, when you start a new project, you are still on this zoom setting, but now your slide side is the default Storyline one (which is small) so you little slide now looks tiny!

    Does that make sense you think?

  • Hi Andrew!

    It kind of makes sense, since I'm using a laptop. However, I always use Storyline on a bigger extra display. Also, the zoom issue only pops up if I switch between the template file and some other project, and this happens during the same day on the same screen.

    I investigated the text re-sizing issue further, and I noticed that the project I had created (into which I added slides from the template) had initially a wrong slide size (16:9, when I guess it should've been the 1980x1080 of the template). Changing the size of the project to the same size as the template did not, however, help. The text still re-sized incorrectly when I added new slides to the project from the template.

    What helped, is that I created a completely new project that is the same size as the template and then pasted the slides from the old project to the new one. I did not encounter the text re-sizing issue anymore when adding new slides from the template to this new project. But I'm still not sure if what issue I corrected, since changing the size of the project did not help.