Forum Discussion

MaartenTumme326's avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago

Translations Articulate Rise

Hey all,

I made a course in Rise. I exported an XLIFF file for translations into multiple languages and sent it to our translator. They gave back multiple xlifs. 

I then copied my rise course so i could import the translation file, one out of many, only to see there was an issue. 


XLIFF translation file doesn't match the course


XLIFF translation files can only be imported to the same course they originated from. The files are unique to each piece of content.


I found that weird cause nothing was ever changed in the course and it always works within Storyline. This is my first itme doing it in rise. 

I then removed the duplicate and tried again. Nope. I then made another duplicate and added one of the xlifs to the original course and... it worked? 

The question now at hand is that I have multiple paid-for translations ready to be rolled out but it doesn't work with duplicates. How do you actually solve this problem cause aside from it feeling highly illogical, I just want to use xlifs to translate the content of an elearning thats the same in duplicates anyway, it also feels very crippling in user experience and I just don't have a clue how to do it if this isn't even possible? :)

Help much appreciated, how to move forward from here.


With kind regards,

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