Articulate Review 360 - Don't reviewers get emails when comments are made too?

May 01, 2018


I've just begun using Review and am wondering if it notifies reviewers if someone else makes a comment on the same slide, or answers a reviewer's question, in Review.  If not, is there a way to make it do that?  It seems like it would be an effective method for reaching consensus among reviewers.

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Michele,

Matthew is partially right - individuals who comment will also receive notification of any replies to their comment. So two ways for folks who are not the author to be notified of a comment:

  1. If someone uses the @ and their email for those who have already commented
  2. If you respond to another individual's comment.

There's a handy little notification at the bottom of the reply that lets you know who will be notified. I recorded a quick Peek to walk you through that! 

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