Articulate Review Fonts not displaying properly

May 16, 2018


I'm wondering if anyone else is running into this issue.

I published a Storyline course in Review and throughout the font was showing up with missing characters (font is Calibri).

31 Replies
Gabriela Azevedo

Hi, my issue is even stranger. The person reviewing writes a text in Portuguese (from Portugal) and posts it and when it is posted it changes her text to something different (more like Brazilian Portuguese), I can see the correct text on review and on the email notification but the person who wrote it can't (she can if she is in editing mode for that particular comment).

Lauren Connelly

Hi Gabriela!

That sounds interesting! To make sure I understand, only the author is seeing a different language in Review 360. Everyone else can see the course which is written in Portuguese (from Portugal).

I'd love to help!

It sounds like there is a browser setting that is changing this setting. 

Is the author using a specific browser? Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc. Also, has the author tried viewing the course in another browser?

Lauren Connelly

Thank you for those details Gabriela!

It sounds like Edge is working for your client, and Chrome is working for you. I'd love for our Support Engineers to see if they can replicate this issue on their end. If you want to share your file with us, here's a private upload link.

We'll keep you updated on our findings!

Gabriela Azevedo

Hi, Thanks. I thought it might a definition on Chrome that she could easily change (because she writes in Portuguese of Portugal and it somehow changes the phrases to Portuguese from Brazil)... I have never seen anything like it. It's like you writing a message on Facebook and when you hit Enter it changes to another language... :) but your friends read the original message!


Gabriela Azevedo

I think the problem is solved. I told my client it was something to do with the browser. Se went on  Chrome > Google translate and noticed it was translating automatically to Portuguese. She changed the language to English and now it's working. Very strange indeed but what matters is now it's working. Thanks!