Articulate Review: "Your computer seems to be offline."

Oct 12, 2018

Hello! A colleague of mine is attempting to review a course built with Storyline. Unfortunately, when she adds comments, she keeps getting messages stating "Your computer seems to be offline. We'll automatically try to reconnect when an Internet connection is detected." However, she states that she is not offline. As such, she's unable to add her comments. I have successfully accessed the same link she's using and was able to add comments. Have others encountered this problem, and what can be done to overcome it? Might it be something on our end, like an issue with her computer, or something to do with our corporate firewall? Thanks!

36 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, James!  I'm sorry she hit a speed bump with commenting on your course in Articulate Review.  It sounds like you're headed in the right direction with thinking about her computer and internet environment.

  • What browser is she using, and has she tried another?  
  • If you have corporate firewalls, could you have your administrators look at this article?  It will tell them what needs to be open to access all things Articulate 360.

Let me know what you think, and we'll take some next steps forward!

James Perry

I believe we have figured out what was causing the issue. My colleague is in Mexico and we are dealing with a Spanish version of course. It seems that whenever she inputs a non-standard character such as "ñ" or "Á", she gets that "Your computer seems to be offline" notification. I tested it on my end and I'm experiencing the exact same issue.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi James,

That sounds like a few updates ago, as Chrome is now on ver 70 (as of yesterday!). Can you install the latest updates and test how that works? You'll see the supported browsers here and it's the latest updates of Chrome, Firefox and Safari that are supported. 

If you're still having trouble in Chrome 70 and IE11, can you take a Peek of what you're seeing? That way I can check that I'm testing under the same conditions. 

Celeste Bramlett

My colleagues are reviewing content in Articulate 360 Review.  I have 2 courses in review. They have been reviewing content all morning.  All of a sudden - when trying to pick up where they left off - they are getting the offline message.  So I don't believe that this is a browser or firewall issue.  We have tried rebooting our computers. I have checked and my Articulate Review is up to date.  Right before I created this message - I was finally able to get to the review page where all my courses are  and when I chose one of my courses - it kicked me offline.  Please help!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

HI Celeste, 

Review 360 is currently unavailable, and we’re looking into what went wrong. We’ll let you know as soon as we have more info. We’re so sorry for any trouble. You can see updates on our Articulate Status page here and I'll also post updates here once we have a fix in place! 

Philip Roy

I'm not convinced that the issue has been resolved? For the past 2 days we get intermittent access to the review site. Oddly, when it is "working" we can access direct links to the latest version of a project for review, but the generic link of just has a spinning wheel or a message appearing saying that my computer seems to be offline. Sometimes it just sits there, other times it loads with a refresh or if you wait a few minutes. Given that direct links function whilst the link to the "My content" area fails, suggests it's not a firewall issue on our end.

Alyssa Gomez

Hey Philip,

That's definitely odd, and I'm really sorry you keep hitting a roadblock. Does this happen in all web browsers?

From here, I would recommend reaching out to our Support Engineers so they can take a deeper dive into your system to find out what's causing this. 

Also, you can keep an eye on the current status of Articulate Review 360 here on our status page.  

LaRue Martin

Any resolution for this? I'm having this issue too, on three different computers and with different browsers, and different courses! I have my Review open and it happens without any action on my side, just sitting there, I notice that the little gray dialog box pops up -- several times an hour!!! Is there some way to test my internet consistency? When I test it, it states I'm getting 100+ kbps! But I keep getting this message. Thanks! 

Teresa Vanderpost

HI there, figure I might as well tag to this old post.  I work remotely, use VPN and I don't normally have an issue connecting to Review 360, but in the last two days., I connect to RISE 360 no problem but when I try review, I get the message mentioned initially saying I am offline, but I am not offline.  Any thoughts, I need to send people review links and I can't get the page to load. 5 minutes now and it is not loading.

I would like to add the issue today is going to the main Articulate Review url. - it just spins or says I am offline when I am not.

If someone send me a url to a module in review it will take me there.

One more addition, there has been a few minute delay in RISE loading the SL Review blocks when I need to change a block, and then sometimes I have to try two or three times or refresh my window for it to pick up the latest version I published.

So one more edit, now when I make the changes, and go to publish to review, I am not getting the review 360 module list, just create new unless I refresh my browser. 

Something must be up with Review 360 :)


Jose Tansengco

Hi Teresa,

Thanks for reaching out! 

If you're only encountering the behavior while connected to your VPN, reach out to your network admin and ask them if they've made any recent changes to their VPN configuration. If yes, ask them to reconfigure the VPN to allow connection to Articulate's endpoints. You can test if the issue is the VPN by disconnecting from the service and checking to see if this allows you to connect to Review 360 without issue. If the issue persists, reach out to our support team here so we can take a closer look at the behavior. 

John Morgan

Hi Rosemary,

Welcome to E-Learning Heroes! I understand you are seeing a "Your computer seems to be offline" message after leaving the Review 360 website. I would be happy to work with you to figure out why this is happening! I have a follow-up question regarding your experience so I can understand what you are experiencing a little better.

Thanks for reaching out!

Teresa Vanderpost

Just an FYI, I constantly get this message and have to reload the page.  This week has been particularly bad.  I use the latest version of Chrome.  I always work on local drive.  Doesn't happen in a particular course.  You can be on the main review 360 where it shows all your courses and it will just say you are offline, but I am clearly not as I am working on other things with no offline issues.