Downloading videos from Storyline review

Aug 29, 2018

Hi can anyone help - the information states you can download a video held in Articulate review by selecting the three '...' finding the word 'download' select this and the video will be downloaded. I do not have 'download' as an option.

I only have Rename;Share;Duplicate;Move to; Delete. So how do I move a video that is sitting in Articulate Review to Rise or Storyline?


Lynda Wheeler

4 Replies
Katie Riggio

Welcome, Lynda!  I'd love to lend a hand. ☺️

To start, was this content published from a specific Articulate 360 authoring tool, created in Peek, or manually uploaded?

If you created the video in Peek or manually uploaded it, there should be a Download option. If you created a course in Storyline and then published it to Review, the options will be the ones you listed. Here's a quick Peek for a visual guide! 

I'll be standing by!

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