Review 360 Notification Settings for Stakeholders

Jul 25, 2023

Hi everyone,

I recently had a stakeholder who asked if he could receive less email notifications from Review 360. Every time a response was made on their comment, they got notified as is the default. Is there anything we can do for stakeholders who don't have an Articulate 360 subscription? It would great if they can choose the frequency of email notifications, so their inbox is not flooded with notifications on every comment. 

P.S. I know that we can choose the frequency of email notifications under Notification Settings when we click on our profile picture, but this only applies to us. Unless I'm missing something here. 

3 Replies
John Morgan

Hi Marci,

Great question! I understand you'd like to know if there is a way for stakeholders that don't have an Articulate 360 account to change the frequency of emails received from Review 360.

The stakeholders will want to create a filter in their email to direct the Review 360 emails to a folder. That way they won't see the emails in their inbox but can always visit the folder if they need to access those emails. Here are the steps to do that in Gmail.

Since the stakeholders don't have an Articulate account there is no way to control the frequency of emails through Articulate.

Thanks for reaching out!