Screenshots not always visible in Review 360 feedback

Mar 07, 2023


When using the Feedback tab  to view all comments in Review 360, I noticed that in a lot of comments the screenshot of the slide is not displayed . I can only see the  comment.  I cannot find the reason  after I made several tests. any suggestion ?   I am using MS Edge. 


3 Replies
Kelly Auner

Hi Nadine,

Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community!

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue when viewing feedback in Review 360, but I'm happy to help troubleshoot! I'd like to start with a few clarifying questions to help me better understand what you're seeing.

  • Have you tried using a different browser and are you using the latest version? Here is a list of supported browsers for Review 360.
  • Is this only happening with one course or several courses?
  • When you say the screenshot of the slide is not displayed, what do you see instead? Is it a blank screen?

Please let me know if this helps! I'll look out for your reply.

Nadine Le Louargant

Hi kelly

thank you  !  I have tried latest version of MS Edge and Chrome.  I think  I need to ask  to the reviewers to check as well .  it happens on several courses, :for some reviewers, screenshot are always missing and from time to time for some reviewers . see attached an example .there is no screenshot in the first comment and in the 3rd one. I have asked the reveiwers to check the version of their browsers.  let's see if it solves the problem

Jose Tansengco

Hello Nadine, 

If switching browsers or updating them to the latest versions doesn't work for you, I'd recommend reaching out to our support team by opening a case so we can check if the issue is being caused by something else.

You can also try connecting a different network if possible, to help isolate if the issue is somehow related to your network. Be sure to share all of the troubleshooting steps that you've already taken when you decide to open a case to help our support engineers get up to speed with the behavior you're experiencing.