Unable to Publish New Version of an Existing Item

Sep 03, 2019

I am unable to publish a new version of an existing item in Review. I can create a new item, but the item I just published is not in the drop down to select to publish a new version when I come back later. This happens across multiple courses. I am logged into Review and can see all of the versions I have published from the My Content page which includes multiple versions of the course. Any ideas on why the course is not appearing in the previously-published list?

6 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hi Andrea!

Sorry you've hit this snag! So you can publish to review but it's not showing up in the drop down under "Publish a new version of an existing item"? 

Can you share the file so I test it on my end? You can do so by using the "add attachment" button in this discussion or if you prefer to share it privately, use this link to share with our Support Engineers.

Ren Gomez

Hi Stefani,

Thanks for sharing that image, and great call to also open a support case. I see my teammate, Lianne, has received your project file and is doing some testing. 
Rest assured, you're in good hands and she'll get back to you as soon as possible. I'll also follow the case as it progresses!
Andrea Stone

I wanted to pop in and let you all know what was going on with my original issue. My company's IT Security is very secure. Basically it's a zero trust environment and users have to get permission for anything that isn't standard company software. In my case, our IT security software was blocking access for Storyline to write to the C: drive in the location where Storyline stores access to the old Review files. So when Storyline looked for the information to display older Review files on my C drive, it found nothing, so it assumed I was always publishing a new version of the course. So this wasn't precisely a Storyline issue. It was a file access issue on my computer. I have found quite a few issues tied to my company's lockdown of the C: drive, so if you are having random issues in Storyline, verify that the software has complete access to the C drive. 

philip williams

I had a similar issue. Make sure the Articulate 360 app is running and you are logged in. My VPN for work will stall the app sometimes. I ended articulate tasks in Windows task manager and restarted Articulate 360. After reopening my projects the project list for previously published projects repopulated and I could publish to the same published review.

Alternatively you can publish the review locally and upload to 360 review.