Accessibility in Rise

Dec 01, 2016


As mentioned on the website under FAQ for Rise "Are Rise courses compliant with accessibility guidelines?
Rise employs many modern web standards for accessibility, and additional accessibility improvements are in development."

Could you please specify in detail which of these are supported in current version:
WCAG AA, WAI-ARIA Labels, Section 508, DDA, Equality Act and Screen Reader Supports.


342 Replies
Andrew Ratner

Hi All. I'm not sure if folks have noticed this, or if it has become an issue for others, but when I was discussing my Rise course with my 508 compliance expert at work, he noticed that each lesson title header is an H2 header, not H1. In order for the course to be 508 compliant, he said, titles need to begin with H1 headers, then H2, then H3.  Has this become an issue for anyone else? Thanks!

Marc Donelson

Commenting to follow this thread. My specific questions about accessibility in Rise surround

1) the ability to control the Tab order (as you can in Storyline)

2) complete keyboard control for JAWS users

3) the order of the heading tags (same issue Andrew raised). Our accessibility team pointed out the same...that the headers need to follow the order H1, H2, H3, etc. 

Any updates on when this functionality will be ready? Thanks.

Thieme Bittick

Adding my voice regarding the need for 508 compliance. I am new to Articulate but was very impressed at my ability to develop a course with a turnaround of only a couple of days in Rise...but very disappointed that I could not use that course with a JAWS reader. The content was not readable even though it was keyboard accessible. I work in higher ed for a state agency, so I am required to make my compliance training compliant. Rise would be perfect for fast course development if I could do that. I am trying to learn Storyline 360 as fast as I can, but of course that will take me more time and in the meantime, I have auditors looking over my shoulder...

Thanks for getting this issue addressed as soon as possible.

karen forkish

Hi Thieme, 

I have been doing my testing using the NVDA screen reader since I don't have JAWS, and I share your concerns about 508 compliance.

With NVDA, I am able to access Rise content, although navigation doesn't seem straightforward. The NVDA reader does read the content though.

It sounds like you have a different experience with the JAWS reader? You are not able to access the content at all?

Like you, I would love to be able to use Rise for development, but without accessibility it's not an option. It's difficult to plan for the future without knowing when Rise will be 508 compliant.

Jamila Breese

One more note to add to Karen Forkish's comment--we are currently developing recommended tools lists and accessibility guidelines for use with different tools, and would love to put Rise on the list--however, it's not quite there yet.  In our large organization, there are many developers who would really like to see these features in place today.

Terianne McKeon


We are also interested in the updated features being added to and incorporated in Rise for accessibility.  

Is there a plan for screen reader accessibility or is this being introduced via NVDA for now?

If we use a cloud version of Rise, do we need to update the software to get newly added features for accessibility?

Accessibility is very important and we are also looking to meet WCAG standards and 508 compliance.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Terianne, 

Accessibility is important to us too, and although Rise isn't fully accessible yet, our team is continuing to work on new features. 

Our ultimate goal is to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). So far, we’ve added these accessibility features: 

     • Increased contrast for built-in course features 

     • Alt text for images

     • Keyboard-accessible navigation

And we’re currently working on full screen reader support. Keep an eye on our "What's New" page and the Rise release notes for details: 

     • What's New

     • Rise release notes

We'll also post in the E-Learning Heroes community once we do have an update, so you can keep an eye out for that too!