Add images to quiz answer feedback

Mar 21, 2017

Hi - just wondering if it's possible to add media (in my case, an image) to the answer feedback on quizzes in Rise? I want to include an example picture with the feedback, but just uploading it to be displayed with the questions as usual would give the answer away. 

39 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hey Jim! 

Sounds like a good idea and another way to ensure your learners are visually engaged! Within Rise today you can add feedback at the question level, and we're working on a feature to allow answer level feedback as well - that should be available sometime in '17 and as we get a bit more firmer on that we'll be sure to update folks here in the ELH Community! I'll pass along the idea that you'd like to be able to include images in that feedback too and that'll help our Product team as they look to design that and other new features of Rise.  It's constantly evolving, so we love hearing about what you need to create the most engaging e-learning courses! 

Crystal Horn

Hey everyone! The goodness just keeps on coming…  Choice-level feedback for multiple choice quiz questions in Rise is now live!

Give learners a single feedback statement for all responses, different feedback for right and wrong responses, or even different feedback for each possible response.  Here's how.  And because Rise is web-based, just open your courses and you’ll see these new options. Let me know if you have any questions!

Mark Banit

+1 -- there needs to be the option to add images to feedback at the very least (ability for question options would be a nice bonus).

Submitted a feature request for this and encourage those who support the idea to do the same in addition to their +1's (include the URL of this thread in the 'Related E-Learning Heroes discussion URL' field  to reiterate the community requests).