Add images to quiz answer feedback

Mar 21, 2017

Hi - just wondering if it's possible to add media (in my case, an image) to the answer feedback on quizzes in Rise? I want to include an example picture with the feedback, but just uploading it to be displayed with the questions as usual would give the answer away. 

39 Replies
Daniel Furr

Is there any way to remove the "checkmark" icon for "correct" feedback or the "X" icon for the "incorrect" feedback? I am trying to add a survey question to a course, so there is no correct or incorrect answer. It allows me to change the text feedback, but I don't see any option to remove or replace the icons.

Steven Benassi

Hi Corinne!

Thanks for checking in on this!

I don't have any updates to share at this time as our development team has been prioritizing other features. I've included you in the feature request and will notify you if it makes it onto our Feature Roadmap.

In the meantime, for your reference, here's a deeper look at how we manage feature requests.