Adding a Lesson after a Section in Articulate Rise

Nov 14, 2018


The course i'm developing in Rise, i want a  lesson in the beginning, then a section which will include couple of lessons withing it and then a lesson outside the section at the end, like a Support slide/Thank you or Congratulations. I'm able to create lesson at first, then a section with few lessons, but i can't find an option to create last individual lesson outside the section. Whatever lesson i create after the section, it gets added in the section itself. I tried to drag-and-drop of the first lesson, but still it doesn't come outside of it. Sharing the screenshot of it. Any help would be much appreciated.

11 Replies
Allison LaMotte

Hi Anil,

You can try to create a new section with no title which will insert a line separating the lessons however, please note that if you try to export your course you will receive a warning, but this can be safely ignored when it comes to sections.

Hope this helps! Please reach out if I can help with anything else.

Andreas Berg
Renz Sevilla

Hi Andreas, we've got this issue documented. We'll update this thread if we make any updates that address this issue. 

We see that it can be an intermittent issue. You would need to carefully highlight the trashcan icon so it doesn't overlap with the line above to delete the section properly.

Yes, that was the problem for the deletion problems - it is a bit unclear ;-)

So just the "end section" problem stays....

Kevin Siegel

I am seeing the same issue that Anil documented long ago.

If you add a section, any lessons you have after the section break are grouped within that section. When you preview, all of the section lessons collapse/expand.

It seems to me that you should be able to "promote" a lesson to get it out of a section. Allison's suggestion to remove the title from a section name works cosmetically but now you've got a blank line that seems out of place.

If this was fixed, perhaps I'm missing the solution?