Adding collaborators to multiple courses in bulk

Jun 12, 2020

I'm trying to find an easy way to share with mutliple collaborators at the same time rather than having to enter each course and change settings one by one.


Is there any way to set a default so that any new courses made automatically have all members listed as collaborators?

Pinned Reply
Christopher Santos

Hi everyone!

We are excited to share that we have released Rise 360 Team Folders! You can now create shared team folders in Rise 360 to organize your content and share content with collaborators even faster. We know this has been a popular feature request and we can't wait for you to finally check it out!

Your Rise 360 dashboard will look a little different, but don't worry. You can find all of your content, personal and shared, in the My View section. If you run into any snags or have additional questions about Rise 360 Team Folders, our team is available in this discussion or in a support case.

89 Replies
George McLeod

We are in a situation where most of our content is developed by a contractor. They share the content when published with me as the Admin for our staff, but then I need to add them individually to every module for course that is built. This is massively time consuming and highly inefficient. I have created folders to divide the content up by each of our departments, but the folders don't have any configurability... they are just simple folders. If the folders could be configurable to allow different members access to the content shared to their respective folder, this would help tremendously in speeding up the process of giving access to my departments so they can get on with managing and delivering that content. This is an area I am quite surprised given how mature the products in the Training and Education Industry that this is not already just common place functionality!

Emily Polster

We have probably close to 300 courses as a company, we would love to have this feature!! This is tedious and time consuming to add all 20 IDs and collaborators on our team. Surely there is a way to create  a distribution/collaborator list or input more than one email at a time, for each course. Please help!!

Alesha Honnor

I agree, sharing courses in Rise is way more difficult than it should be. With over 100 courses to distribute, having to manually add each one to different accounts is ridiculous. Rise should make it easier to share content across accounts without having to jump through hoops. Sharing a login seems like the only feasible workaround for now. But frankly, Rise's lack of sharing capabilities makes me less likely to buy more subscription seats when this clunky manual process is the only option. They really need to step up and add auto-sharing features like the ability to share everything in a "Published Courses" folder across accounts. Even just for future-proofing, in case something happened to an author, it makes no sense that their completed content would be inaccessible. Rise needs to fix their platform's content sharing capabilities - it shouldn't be this difficult to distribute courses!

Christopher Santos

Hi everyone!

We are excited to share that we have released Rise 360 Team Folders! You can now create shared team folders in Rise 360 to organize your content and share content with collaborators even faster. We know this has been a popular feature request and we can't wait for you to finally check it out!

Your Rise 360 dashboard will look a little different, but don't worry. You can find all of your content, personal and shared, in the My View section. If you run into any snags or have additional questions about Rise 360 Team Folders, our team is available in this discussion or in a support case.