Changing Font on course title and lesson title

Feb 21, 2019

I can't seem to find a way to change the font, color in particular, on the Course Title and Lesson Title. Is there a way to change them?


58 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, folks. I wanted to share an update about course titles. Some of the requests addressed accessibility concerns about whether the course title was meeting contrast requirements with white text on light background colors. 

When you select a course cover layout that uses the theme color, the title text will adjust to white or black for the best contrast:

the title text changes from black to white when you use darker colors


When using a cover page layout with an image, you'll want to use the Text Contrast setting to make sure the white title text has enough contrast for accessibility purposes:

image of text contrast settings with white text on a yellow background


There are some additional requests in this discussion, and we'll keep you updated on changes we make that help!