
Jan 18, 2018


Has there been thought around adding characters that represent children and/or youth? I did find young adults, but no younger representation. 

Thank you, 

Martha Garzon 

27 Replies
Leah Hemeon

Found this old discussion when searching for information about using characters in Rise. Thought I'd try reigniting it. Please let me know if I should post elsewhere. 

I'm using Rise to build an overview that will happen before peer-led training. As part of that overview I need to introduce the high-level process. I'm using the process interaction in Rise and am giving context by using a simple scenario. "Meet Carlos... he's... let's see how he does this..." kind of thing. I'd love to use characters to get some continuity in the images I include in the mini-scenario/process. Sadly they're not available.

Justin Phillips

While I don't personally have a use for this feature, I endorse its inclusion. Many Articulate customers either work in the healthcare field or have clients who are in that field. Having a few child characters would be useful for them. It goes with out saying that the same is true for primary and secondary education customers.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks, Leah and Justin. We haven't add the photographic or illustrated characters to Rise yet, but you could add them to a Storyline course and add that as a block into Rise. You could also insert into Storyline and choose "Save as picture" to use that character as an image in your Rise courses. 

Jason Thompson

Upvote for more age diversity in Characters!   I get that it may be hard to have young children do the necessary poses, but perhaps something like an 8-12yr and a 13-18 range with three or four models for each would be great for us. Also, there are very limited 60+ characters (three I believe, 1 female) a couple more would be great. (Developing for age-friendly community training, healthcare, etc.).  Thanks!

Ron Katz
Lindsey Dixon

Hi - here to bump this request one more time. I create training for educators and would love to build more visually engaging elements in Storyline but all the characters are adults. Any update on this? Just signed up for my account and I'm disappointed to see how few characters there are to choose from, especially younger than 25. 

Fina Murphy-Gelderman

Hello, I am here to also advocate for the inclusion of children characters. The work I will be doing with Storyline 360 is only with children and it would be helpful to have characters on the screen that they can actually relate to. 

Also, please, PLEASE include more body diversity! So important. 

Thanks so much! 

Performance de Valor Amil

Olá! Bom Dia.

Existe alguma previsão de atualização dos Personagens? Nitidamente, eles são de décadas atrás (vestimentas antigas) e gostaria de encontrar mais personagens Inclusivos e Diversos, como: Deficientes físicos, cegos, etc e personagens LGBTGI + (Transsexuais, Travestir, etc).


Grato desde já!

Hope Walton

Jumping on the bumping question boat!  If we ask enough times for children characters, maybe we will get them!  Honestly, without them I have very little use for Rise since I am a K-12 teacher and have students practice social interaction.  I would much prefer that they relate to the character, rather than an adult.