Co-Owners for Rise Courses

Jul 23, 2018

Hi all,

Is it possible to assign a co-owner to a course?

I'm interested in setting up Rise so that multiple team members can currently have permission to edit and export a course.





116 Replies
Cass Netzley

Add myself as another user desiring this feature. I'm the defacto owner/gatekeeper for all of our Rise courses. 

Being my own content management system for a team of 20+ people (dev and design) spread across the globe-- without the ability requested/outlined in this thread for collaborator/co-owner rights being assignable, I'm left having to share my credentials with team members in case I fall ill or go on vacation. I'm not keen to this situation, but it will be this way until the co-owner option comes about.

Allowing collaborators to use folders would be a huge help as well. :)

Aaron Max Abramowicz

Cass Netzley replied:
... I'm left having to share my credentials with team members in case I fall ill or go on vacation. I'm not keen to this situation, but it will be this way until the co-owner option comes about. ...


It is possible to transfer ownership of modules to a collaborator, from the course Settings > Collaborators menu (to the right of the owner's name). While this is not as elegant of a solution as having co-owners, it's certainly better than sharing credentials.


Best regards,


-Aaron Max Abramowicz


Aaron Max Abramowicz

I've just attempted accessing from my iPhone using Safari and Chrome and both said unsupported browser when I tried to access the settings menu...

So you'd have to either do that before leaving on your vacation or log in from an actual computer, (not sure if it would work from a tablet/iPad as I don't have one handy to attempt it from).

Cass Netzley

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the input-- we use ownership transfers quite a bit when new courses are developed, but it's mainly to hand it off to my account to be the primary owner from then on for maintenance and publishing purposes. This is all in an effort to have source material centralized. Transfers can happen using an iPad (and Chrome) from my past experience. 

We have 89 various courses, and variations of those course contents also exist (ILT, VILT, Self-paced), so it's a lot of content, to say the least. That's quite a chore to transfer all ownership over prior to a vacation, and sickness is never planned. Outside of my boss, the other individual sharing my credentials is trusted so I have no qualms with this system until a viable co-owner option comes about. 

Jacqueline Chu

I would also like a team ownership option. We recently had a staff member leave without transferring ownership and it has been a real pain. We would also like any team member to publish and edit. I understand it is good to have one owner in certain circumstances to ensure QA but if you are working in teams the option should be available.