Continue Button block disappears once learner has gone through course.

Jun 06, 2024

How do we stop the Continue button block from disappearing after the learner takes the course the 1st time?

We have a Continue button block to move from lesson to lesson.  Our message at the end of the lesson is "Click the Continue button to continue with this course."  

It's correct when the learner takes the course the 1st time.  However, when they return, the Continue button disappears and replaced by the Lesson button.  Now our message is incorrect.

4 Replies
Judy Nollet

The Continue button is used to force learners to pause at a given point. For example, it's often used to ensure they complete interactions. However, by design, once the required content has been completed, the Continue button disappears. 

You don't need a Continue button at the end of a lesson. The program will automatically show the link to the next lesson (if there is one). 

SLS Turkmen

Hi Sharon,

Thank you for your question. I noticed that the "Continue" button disappears at the end of the course, which I initially thought was a recurring glitch. Thanks to your observation, I now understand what is happening.

As a potential solution to keep the "Continue" button visible at the end of the course, I am considering using an Interactive Button instead. In the attached screenshot, you can see where you need to update the Location and Destination settings according to your needs.

What do you think? I hope this idea proves helpful for you.

Best regards,
