Embed Storyline in Rise with embed code?

Jun 12, 2021

Hi folks,

I have a Storyline file that I am embedding in a Rise course, but even at the smallest size, it is too tall for the screen. Is there a way to make it smaller? I output the file with a smaller screen size, but it still occupies the same space on the screen. The issue is that the previous/next buttons appear off the screen and when I scroll to see them and click, it pops back to the top which necessitates scrolling down EVERY time to get to the buttons.

The issue seems to stem from the fact that my Storyline is square.

Any help would be much appreciated. I tried to use the iframe embed code, but that didn't work for me.

<iframe src="https://360.articulate.com/review/..." width="100%" height="500"></iframe>


5 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann

Embedding the review version like this is not ideal.

I am still not sure what the issue is using the Storyline block. Here's a demo with the SL module in Rise using the SL block feature. The player is fully visible.


The SL block is designed to sit in the lesson at either small, medium, or full. It will always scale (respond) based on the browser/window size.