Hiding lessons in Rise

Aug 02, 2017

Does anyone know if you can hide lessons in Rise, and then unhide them later? We have some system enhancements going live in August and some in September. I dont want to have to delete any lessons i've already created.



62 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jenna,

That isn't yet a feature of Rise, but sounds like a really neat idea! I'll share it as a feature request for you (you'll see an email confirmation of this soon). 

Are you sending users the Share link, or exporting it for LMS/Web? If you're doing the latter you could look at duplicating the course and deleting the lessons you don't need. That would give you two copies which you could then swap on your site come September.

Kristen Kenny

I want to hide my lesson as a possible workaround for not having a resource
option as you do in Storyline. I want to use a button for the learner to
access content in a different lesson (acting as the resource folder for a
few files they may need). Not every learner will need these so I do not
want to have it set as visual lesson.

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Kristen.  Thanks for describing what you need!  Have you considered creating a button stack block that you can attach on the end of blocks lessons where needed?  If you saved it as a block template, it'll be readily available to reuse across lessons!

Depending on how you build your course navigation (buttons versus using the built-in previous and next options), you could only show those resources to learners when clicked.

Amy Moritz

No, I am not using an LMS.

My trainings have all been in person.

I am just now learning how to convert to online.

I am independent consultant.

Articulate is great but a bit pricey for me.

I was hoping to avoid also purchasing an LMS.

Do you have any LMS recommendations?

Amy C. Moritz


Alyssa Gomez

Thanks, Amy! Since you're not already using an LMS, check out Rise.com

Rise.com is an all-in-one online training system that gives you one place to create, track, manage, and analyze your training. It includes all the authoring functionality from Rise 360, plus a library of pre-built lessons on common business topics. 

Once you’ve created a course, you can enroll learners, track their progress, and analyze training effectiveness—all within Rise.com. 

To see it in action, head over to rise.com! And if you have any questions about how Rise could work for you, you can email the Rise team at sales@rise.com

James Washington

Like everyone else, I wound up here trying to hide lessons and won't even ask if any updates have been provided; been down that road before, however, there might be a work around I don't know about. My reason for wanting to hide lessons is because I'm trying to use certain content as landing pages which are only accessed by a button stack link function. I want to use the side navigation menu but don't want the landing pages as part of that menu (thus hidden). I only want these landing pages accessed via the button stack and don't want the students to have access them through a progression. Can block templates be accessed in this way (meaning linked to a button stack but out of view from the student?)

Renz Sevilla

Hi James!

Thanks for reaching out!  Sorry, there isn’t a way to link a button stack to a block template unless you insert that template as a lesson in the course itself, and there isn’t a way to hide individual lessons in the sidebar menu. 

If we make any changes that help though, I'll be sure to reach out here!

Ashley Zuco

I would like to provide alternative activities for accessibility using button stack buttons. For example, if a drag and drop is used, I would like to have a button that allows the learner to click for an accessible option. This button would take them to a lesson with an alternative activity. Being able to create lessons that can be hidden would allow me to hide these "extra resources" from the users unless they are needed. This is just one example for how I may use a hidden lesson feature.

Natalie Sikes

Agree with everyone that a hide lessons feature would be very helpful. Since Rise has very limited functionality, I'd like to use a button stack to link to certain pages, but I don't want the pages to appear as lessons in the contents. Even if you hide the sidebar, the lessons will appear as a list on the introduction side.

What does it take to get an update for RIse? This doesn't seem like a priority for Articulate since there hasn't been any Rise updates in a couple of years. I've made several requests and see similar requests from others that seem to be ignored.

Renz Sevilla

Hi Natalie! Thanks for chiming in and letting us know this is a feature you'd like to see. We welcome all your ideas and anyone can send a feature request to our Product team here

Before a feature is added to Rise, our team verifies the scope and impact it will have. For more information on how we handle feature requests, here’s our process. If you're wondering what we're working on now, here is our Public Roadmap for Rise 360.