Images in Rise accordion - must have multiple instances?

Jul 21, 2021


The material I'm creating an accordion about uses graphical icons to mark out, for instance, safety warnings (stop sign graphic) or points of information (sticky note graphic). 

As far as I can tell, the only way to do this is to separately upload the image every time you want to use it. In web terms, does this not create up to dozens of the same image, each with its own URL and taking up space in both servers and each student's cache? Shouldn't there be a way to just repeatedly reference the same image, uploaded only once?

Made worse by how slow the upload process is--a 16K image takes over one minute to upload and process.


3 Replies
Renz Sevilla

Hi Carl! Thanks for reaching out! 

Sounds like you're creating a graphic with markers or labels to illustrate different parts of an overall image.

I can suggest using a Labeled Graphic Block instead. Please see this article on How to Use Labeled Graphic Blocks.

You'll only need to upload the image once and then you add markers that will pop up to showcase more information or another image. Hope this helps!

Renz Sevilla

Gotcha! Correct me again if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're looking for a Media Library where you can upload content once and then call that media graphic, any time you would need to insert it.

We're currently tracking requests for a Media/Asset Library. If we make any changes that help, I'll let you know!