Increase the font size in the menu

Jul 28, 2017

Hello, could you please help me to find out how to change the menu font size? my users have been complaining because the menu font is so small.

Please advice which file or style sheet should I  edit.


47 Replies
Irish Tax  Institute

Hello Articulate. I would also like a larger font size for the Rise menu, please. I attach a screen shot which shows how disproportionately small the menu font looks in comparison to the course description. I would really like to use Rise for some courses, but this looks wrong. Regards, Karen

Paul Brennan

I am also having the same issue. First impressions count and as this is the first page any client will see it is actually a key factor in the design process. It is disappointing that this issue has still not been addressed given that it is 3 years since it was first identified. At the risk of repeating previous comments are there any plans to fix this anytime soon?

Renz Sevilla

Hi Richard! Thanks for following up on this. I don't have an update for you at this time, but can you please let me know what devices, browser, and OS version where you've been having trouble with the font size? If you can provide screenshots that would help as well! 

We're still tracking requests for this feature, and I'd like to add your experience to our report. If we make any updates on this, I'll reach out here!

Nicole Talley

Hello - I wanted to find out if the feature to increase the font size on the menu will happen anytime soon.  It looks really weird (no matter what device you are using) when the you have a font size everyone can read that introduces the course, but then you have this tiny menu that describes each lesson. My customer's like the large font size, so that is what I have to use for my courses, so I can't make the introduction font the same as the menu.

Lea Agato

Thanks for sharing your feedback on this issue, Nicole.  I fully agree that it helps to have larger fonts in the menu so your course would look more consistent. We don't have this in the roadmap right now, so I can't provide you with a completion date for this feature.  We'll make sure to share updates here if we make any changes that will help!

Emma Shaw

I would like to add to this conversation. It would be good if we could change the size of the Menu text because I think the section headings are too small and should be more prominent and bigger than the lesson headings that sit below. It's hard to see the section headings on some screens. It would be good if we able to customise these.