Is it possible to resume progress in Articulate Rise outside of an LMS?

Jun 22, 2017

So I would like learners to be able to resume their Rise course where they last left off.

I've tried exporting an LMS package (both SCORM 1.2, 2004, and TinCan), uploading it to a web server, and pointing them to the "indexAPI.html" file, but it doesn't appear to save progress.

Is there any way to save progress/resume courses in Rise outside of using a SCORM player?


5 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Jordan, great question!

You will need a learning management system to suspend/resume Rise courses. Outside of a LMS, learners' progress won't be saved. If they launch your course more than once using a shareable web link, their progress will be reset to 0% and they'll be taken back to the beginning of the course. 

Check out this article for more info on sharing Rise courses!

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jordan!

Rise courses can be exported as AICC, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, and Tin Can API (xAPI) packages to be hosted in your learning management system. So, your LMS would need to have that compatibility.

I cannot speak to the 'why' for the resume, but you are welcome to share your thoughts with our product development team here on why you'd like to see more resume options.

Michael Anselmo

I have been having a discussion with Support on this course progress issue with Rise.  I do think it is a real issue that when completing a Rise course it still resumes at the last block the learner viewed when completing the course instead of starting over.  I cannot seem to get a good reason for this?  This does not make sense to me. Once completed, if a learner wants to view the course again, I cannot think of a good reason for not starting at the course at the beginning as all other training would?

I was told that they are tracking a feature request to add a function to resume or restart, but it is not on the roadmap yet.  I think everyone should request this, so we can get this option.

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