Is there a way to not have the player in RISE gray out?

Jun 22, 2021

When a learner hovers over the player in RISE, it becomes visible and gray. When this happens, they lose some of the content or info at the bottom of the screen. (In this video example) Is there a way to make it 100% transparent? 

2 Replies
Renz Sevilla

Hi Ami! Thanks for reaching out! There isn't a way to modify the player settings at this time, but I'll let my team know about this.

As a workaround, for now, your learners can use the Picture in Picture button, which will pop out the video and they can resize and move this. There are no player control overlays and the dark overlay does not stay in the Picture in Picture mode when pausing or hovering over videos.

You can also edit the video if your learners need to see what's at the bottom of the video. You can add black cinematic bars to the top and bottom of the video. This will center the content so even if the player buttons are there, they don't cover any content.