Issues Embedding LinkedIn Learning Content in Rise Course

Aug 26, 2019


I am building a set of courses in Rise that will have some videos from LinkedIn Learning. I am using the Embed block. When I insert the link, it creates an embed image. However, the video is not playing inside of Rise. The 'embed' box has an image and text description that just links out to the video on the website. It opens in a new tab. Is there a way to truly embed the video so that it will play inside of Rise? I have the same question for videos from PluralSight. 

Thank you!

Carrie Ann

28 Replies
Carrie Ann Desnoyers

This is the embed code:


<div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe width="640" height="360" src="" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0"></iframe></div><p><strong><a href="" title="Think in terms of team results">Think in terms of team results</a></strong> from <strong><a href="" title="Gain the right mix of functional and interpersonal skills to meet corporate objectives, build a high-performing team, and expand your impact as a leader.">Transitioning from Technical Professional to Manager</a></strong> by <strong><a href="">Sara Canaday</a></strong></p>

Cherese Collins
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Cherese! 

I was able to adjust the embed code you provided, and the video displays correctly. Please open the sample course below, and let me know if you can see the embedded video.

<iframe src=""></iframe>
Cherese Collins

Hi Alyssa,

I could not view the video in the sample course you sent. Does it have anything to do with the web browser I am using? I am using Chrome. 

I am also on my work computer using a VPN. Could the firewall be blocking my ability to see the video? I am able to login into Linked in just fine and watch the videos as part of LinkedIn Learning. 



Alyssa Gomez

Hi Cherese,

It's possible that your firewall is blocking the embedded video. 

Do you have a mobile device handy, or another personal desktop computer? If so, try opening the sample course link from your mobile device or personal computer, and let me know if you can see the video!

Cherese Collins

Hi Alyssa,


I was able to view the sample course and the video in my phone browser. It looks like it may be a firewall issue with my employer and viewing this content in Rise 360, so I will be unable to use these set of videos in the course I am developing. 

I did learn something new though regarding the iframe, so I gained some new knowledge in this quest. Thank you again for your help!


Jane Hunter
Hazel Bartolome