New in Rise 360: Team Folders (Beta)

Oct 04, 2023

Update—October 5, 2023: Find out what we've learned from your feedback and how we're improving team folders

We're thrilled to announce that the Team Folders beta is now live in Rise 360! With it comes an enhanced dashboard experience, convenient personal organization in My View, and even more ways to collaborate with your team (as well as external teams). 

Rise Team Folders

Updated Dashboard

The new Rise 360 dashboard sidebar organizes content into sections: My View, Personal, Team, Deleted Items, and External Connections (if you're working with external teams).

Courses you've created alone—without any collaborators—appear in the Personal section, and courses you’re building with other collaborators appear in the Team section. When you add a collaborator to a training item, it moves into the main Team section automatically. Only collaborators on the item can see it there, so don’t worry about others accessing it.

You can create folders and subfolders in each section. And now, when you move something to a folder, it's only visible in that folder! 

My View

With My View, keeping track of items you're currently working on is a snap. You can add specific items for easy access and create folders in the My View section to help organize things further. Content and folders in the My View section display only for you but can contain both personal and team items.

For the launch of the Team Folders beta, we've preserved your previous All Content view in this section. All the training items and folders that were there prior to today's launch have been added for you. This way, you can easily reference your previous view. Clicking an item in My View takes you directly to it. 

Update 10/5: Now, you can move the original item without having to leave My View. Just click the more icon and select Move file. Select a location or create a new folder, then click Move.

Personal and Team Folders

With Team Folders, content created in Rise 360 is added to the section or folder you're currently in. If you're in the personal section, your training appears there. If you're in the team section, it's created there. 

Collaborators can now be assigned at the folder level, saving you time. When you create content in a team folder, it automatically inherits the collaborator permissions applied to that folder. This can even be everyone on your team! All you have to do is select the Share menu option for a folder or item, then select Everyone and assign them collaborator status. Note that the current editor role is the same as the previous collaborator role.

External Connections

If you work with other teams in Rise 360, you'll see new team folders for them as well in the External Connections section. The folder names might be different from what you're used to seeing. That's because Rise 360 now uses the actual name of the organization as it’s listed in account management. This is true for your team as well. An Articulate 360 admin for the external team can modify it with the Edit Organization Name option in account management.

All Rise 360 users have access to the enhanced dashboard and My View feature. If you’re an Articulate 360 Teams subscriber, you also have access to the new Team section. And if you don’t have Articulate 360 but want to try out this feature, you can start a free 30-day trial

We're excited about the Team Folders feature because it'll allow teams to work together even more easily. And we're releasing it in beta so your feedback can guide us as we continue to develop it. Have feedback? Click on the feedback link in Rise 360 or comment below. We can't wait to hear what you think. 

148 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Janis,

  • The course Owner can do everything.
  • A Manager can do everything except edit labels, transfer ownership, set a Share password, or delete the course. 
  • An Editor can't access any of the menu options. They can only edit the course. 

See this page about how to transfer course ownership: 

Michael Kushlan

Hi @Manh Nguyen!

The content in My View is just a shortcut to the actual file (which lives in your Private or Team folders). When you remove it from My View it is just removing the shortcut.

You can find the actual file a few different ways. You can use the All Content section, the Shared With Me section, the Search Bar, or if you know which Private or Team folder it is in you can navigate to it by clicking the appropriate folder.

Once you have located the original file you can add it back to My View by selecting the Add to My View option.

Please let me know if this helps address your question or if there's anything else we can do to help! Thanks!


Crystal Horn

Hi Julian! You'll have the option to switch back to the Classic view during beta, but Team Folders isn't going away. We've labeled it as a beta feature because we're actively addressing collecting and feedback to make it work best for folks! The new dashboard and team folders will be available to every Articulate 360 Team without additional cost to your subscription.

When you switch back to Classic view, you won't have the Private or Team sections found in the team folders beta. As a result, you can't create subfolders or share multiple items with multiple collaborators at once. Any private or team folders you've created in the team folders beta are inaccessible while using the Classic Dashboard. However, all content to which you have access is still available.

When you return to the new dashboard, you'll see your team folders just as you left them!

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Deborah! Do you see content in team folders that you didn't create? If so, you may have access to that content based on the permissions of that folder. If everyone on your team has permissions within a folder, any content placed in that folder will be available to everyone as a collaborator.

You can find more detail in this article about folder and content permissions. If you're still not seeing what you expect, let us know in a case, and we'll work toward a solution!

Crystal Horn

Hi Kristin! Are you working in the My View section? Since that section is meant to bookmark content you want to access quickly, you aren't able to share those folders with the team. That section is for you to add, organize, and remove content that is most relevant to you at the moment.

screenshot of My View folders highlighting the My View section

To share and create new folders for your team, you can work in the Private and Team folder sections just below.

expanded view of the folders menu pointing out the private and team folder structure

Let me know how that works for you!

Hanna Jensen

When I click the ellipses > Move on a Course in my [Organization] > Private dropdown that I have organized in folders, I can not move it to My View. I have the same folders in Private as I do in My View, but I can not move items back to My View. I have content in My View that I am trying to group together with content in my Private folder, but I can not move the items in Private back to My View.

In private, anyone I have added as an editor or manager is removed. When I add them back, the course is taken out of my Private folders and gets moved to All Content, where I have to find it again and my only option to organize it from there is to add it back to the folder in Private and I can not add it to the same-named folder in My View. 

Two questions:

1. Ideally, how do I opt out of this beta view so I can go back to my organized folders/courses the way I had them?

2. If this can not be reversed, how do I simply move a Course I have created from All Content to a folder in My View. When I click the ellipses of a course in All Content and click Move, my only option is to move it to a Private folder, which removes all editors/managers. I have no option to move it to the same-titled folder in My View.

Kristy Alley

Is there a way to create a Review folder with several micro-learnings and share it with members of my actual team who are not part of the organizational team in Rise? IOW, my organization has a "team" made up of everyone in the org who has a license, but I'm the only one on my actual working team with a license. All the micro-learnings in the folder are part of a larger learning program that I want them to review, but it's cumbersome to share individual links for all 11 modules.

Anne Woods

I don't have the option "Remove from Folder" that is seen on the Help page.
I was just trying out this new feature thinking I could UNDO it, but I can't . I can only move courses into another team folder, I can't move them out of any team folder to restore how they were originally.

Emma Moore

Hi! I'm a bit confused - the article references 'personal' but I can't see this anywhere. I have a 'private' area, but this is within my group area, just above my team folders. I'm not really sure what the 'private' folder is in this instance if it's under the team area?

Also -'shared with me' is quite confusing. It's not clear whether I'm a collaborator on those courses, or whether it's a duplicate of a course I've been sent. Any tips for working out which is which? Thanks

Georg Volmer

Hi Articulate Team,

Just checking in about the two questions I posted a few weeks back – I haven't seen a response yet and was hoping to get your input. They're pretty important for how we use Rise 360.

  1. About setting up folders in the 'Team' section:

  2. On permissions for team folders: 

Would really appreciate a quick update when you get a chance. Thanks a lot!
