Removing Step Numbers in Process Interaction

Apr 15, 2020

Hi … I would like to use the Process Interaction without identifying the step numbers.  In Settings you can change the Step Label, but it still keeps the number.  Is there a way to delete the step number?  

97 Replies
Carol Ring

Rachel, please submit a formal request for Articulate to notice that we really want this. This is the only way they take requests. Click on the link below. They don't even look here! I hope we can inundate them with this. Thanks. 
Help Us Improve Our E-Learning Software by Submitting a Feature Request (

Carol Ring

Debra, I have found that just submitting +1 does nothing to help this request. They don't even look here! 

Please submit a formal request for Articulate to notice that we really want this. This is the only way they take requests. Click on the link below. I hope we can inundate them with this. Thanks. 
Help Us Improve Our E-Learning Software by Submitting a Feature Request (

Carol Ring

Katie, I have found that just submitting +1 does nothing to help this request. They don't even look here! 

Please submit a formal request for Articulate to notice that we really want this. This is the only way they take requests. Click on the link below. I hope we can inundate them with this. Thanks. 
Help Us Improve Our E-Learning Software by Submitting a Feature Request (

Karl Muller
Carol Ring

Debra, I have found that just submitting +1 does nothing to help this request. They don't even look here! 

Please submit a formal request for Articulate to notice that we really want this. This is the only way they take requests. Click on the link below. I hope we can inundate them with this. Thanks. 
Help Us Improve Our E-Learning Software by Submitting a Feature Request (

Hi Carol,

If your reference to "they" above is referring to Articulate Staff, you would most certainly be wrong,

Kodi Harrington

Even with the above advise it took quite some time to find what was described.  Hoping to make this simple.  From the main page where the title and lessons are displayed, choose settings, then choose labels.  Scroll down to process and where the page says "Step 3 of 6" on the right-hand side delete the words "step" and "of." This will remove the word STEP from the carousel.  Numbers will still be listed.  Not perfect, but better.