Reporting features in Rise

Aug 05, 2019

Hello everyone, 

We have built a course in rise that has: 

  • 3 x quizzes 
  • 5 x storyline blocks (where participants provide feedback)
  • and other interactive components that are not assessed (i.e. matching activities and sorting boxes)

I want my LMS to provide reports for all of the above but am unsure how to do so? When I export the Rise course I can either select one specific course or one specific storyline block but would like reports on all of these. Is this possible?

Many thanks, 


2 Replies
Saurabh Chauhan

Hi Sarah,

Rise only provide completion or passing setting based on one quiz or total slides. Also, you can use Storyline blocks for tracking while exporting a Rise 360 course.

I know you want to track each slide viewed, responses for drag and drop module and quiz. Also, you would like to know what they entered in, fill in the blanks, or short answer type questions.

You can get all this valuable data with xAPI and an LRS. Ask your LMS provider if they support connecting your LMS to an LRS where your learner's data can be stored.

Revert here with your LMS provider's response, for LRS you can try GrassBlade LRS.

Have a nice day. :)

Saurabh Chauhan
- From GrassBlade

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