Rise - Can you copy a block between lessons?

Dec 05, 2016

I made several lessons in Rise, and each lesson has multiple blocks. Is it possible to copy a block from one lesson to another? I found I can duplicate blocks within a lesson, and I can duplicate entire lessons. I'm trying to copy one bock of a lesson into another existing lesson. Thanks. 

68 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Missy,

When you click the little dots next to a lesson you'll have two options: 

Duplicate will allow you to create a duplicate or a copy within the same course. 

Copy to another course will allow you to reuse that lesson inside a new or existing course. 

If you're looking to copy individual blocks within a course to another section of the course, look at using the block templates.

Let me know if you need anything else! 

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Karen!

Yes, you can absolutely move a single block to another lesson. For instance, let's say you have a Tabs block in Lesson 1 that you want to move or reuse in Lesson 2. To do that, you would use the Block Templates feature. Here's how:

  1. Open the first blocks lesson.
  2. Select the Templates category from the block library, then click New Template in the panel that appears.
  3. The sidebar will close and a check mark will float over each block in your lesson. Click the check mark for the block you want to include in the template you’re creating.
  4. After selecting the block you want to include in your template, click Save on the toolbar at the top of the page.
  5. Open the second blocks lesson. 
  6. Mouse-over the location in the lesson where you want to insert a template and click the insert block icon that appears.
  7. When the sidebar opens, select the Templates category and click the template you want to use.

That's it! The blocks and content from the template immediately get added to your lesson.

Give those steps a try, and let me know if you need any help along the way!

William Radford

Hi all,

Have any updates been implemented related to this?

I'm creating training courses in Rise around several highly technical products and I need multiple variations of the courses relevant to the specific needs of different types of customers.

Some of the courses will include the same lessons, and due to the nature of my work the information will change several times each year.

Is there a way  to create a lesson once, use it in multiple courses, and have the course point to the "master" lesson as opposed to the lesson being fully contained within the course? This way updating the lesson will also update all of the courses using the lesson.

If not... are there other ways to achieve my goal, besides using Block Templates, or having a master course that contains the updated lessons and then copying the updated lesson to each course using it? This would require me to do this operation for each course using the lesson, which isn't ideal. I would also have to keep track of everywhere the lesson is used.

If not... Does anyone know of other course authoring platforms (or LMS' that include course authoring) that allow for this? 

Thanks for your time and input!

Karl Muller

Hi William,

For the most part, Rise cannot do what you describe in your post.

Rise course updating is a manual process.

The tools you have is either to use Block Templates to copy parts of Lessons from your master course, or copying entire Lessons from the master course to another.

Sheila Brown

I am trying to use the block template feature to copy the Scenario block from one lesson to another.  I followed the steps for creating a new template but when I try to insert the new template in another lesson, it just keeps spinning.

Has anyone else had this happen?  What is the resolution?