Rise - Can you copy a block between lessons?

Dec 05, 2016

I made several lessons in Rise, and each lesson has multiple blocks. Is it possible to copy a block from one lesson to another? I found I can duplicate blocks within a lesson, and I can duplicate entire lessons. I'm trying to copy one bock of a lesson into another existing lesson. Thanks. 

68 Replies
Sam Tucker

It's wild to me that it's been 4 years since this original post, and there still isn't a convenient way to copy individual blocks from one lesson to another. Block templates are an okay workaround, but still a workaround, and not very convenient if you're not planning to reuse the block in other content. C'mon Articulate, this should be fairly easy to implement!

Jessica Jutras

That's not at all what I or others are asking for. I understand that templates can be created and reused. However, what sometimes needs to happen is much simpler. Sometimes, I accidentally create information in one module/lesson and simply want to copy it to a different module/lesson within the same course. But I cannot do so. I can copy to another course entirely. I can make a template. But that's not what I need. I need a simple "Copy to another module" and/or "copy to another lesson". It seems the priority missed the mark when the "copy to another course" function was created, but there lacks a simple way to copy a section from one lesson to another within the same course. 

Sam Barnard

I would also like to add my voice to this. It's such a simple feature that should have been built around the same time the function to copy from course to course was made. Massive oversight and yet it would make creating lessons much more efficient.

Having to use block templates is such a long winded and inefficient process for what should be already available as a simple process for creators.

Sam Barnard
Karl Muller

You can delete the templates anytime you want.

Which has been mentioned - but it's the additional overhead this creates.

Additionally, you cannot delete templates created by other people whom you are collaborating and sharing courses with in order to build and add content.

The reality is not everyone approaches digital asset and content creation with a neat and tidy organised structure even though it seems such an easy and trivial thing to do. They do not always uncheck the "share with my team" box, and they certainly don't always delete it immediately after they've done it because they're now working on the next bit and deleting this template block slips by the wayside and is forgotten about. Or perhaps they want to hold onto it for a little longer just in case, and so it remains, clogging up the list of template blocks.